Chapter 2

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I was awakened by a beeping noise. I yawned and stretched. I stood up from my bed and looked around. At first I forgot where I was, but soon, all the things I did yesterday came flooding back to me. 

I was brought to a building with the girl named Danielle. My brother left with a suit guy and my siblings were still back at the food guy building. Wait, my mother was still there too. 

I miss Mom. Where is she? Does she miss me? I miss her stories. 

"Good morning Nova! Are you ready for training today?" Danielle jumped out of her bed and patted my head. I yipped at her. 

You sound excited! So I am excited too! Where are we going? Can I have a treat? Or maybe we can go see Mom? Hi! This place is cool! 

Wait, what is this thing wagging back and forth behind me? I'm gonna catch it and naw on it. 

I looked behind me and eyed the thing wagging and watched it closely. As soon as it was close to me I pounced at it and snapped my jaws to grab it. But it moved out of the way! 

Come back here! I'm gonna getch'ya!! 

I growled and pounced again. But it moved! Danielle laughed. 

"Nova! It's just your tail!" I looked up at her and the thing behind me wagged faster. 

Wait, this thing behind me is called a tail? 

I looked back. Then up at Danielle again. 

Then why does it follow me and move away from me when I move? 

Danielle put food and water into my bowls and then she went into the bathroom. I scarfed it down and then went back to trying to catch my 'tail.' 

When Danielle finally came out, I still didn't catch it. I tried one more time but fell over because the world was spinning. 

How have you not fallen over? The world won't stop spinning!

I told Danielle, but I guess she can't hear me because she just laughed and picked me up. 

"Let's go train Nova." She said as she scratched behind one of my ears. 

How are you so good at that? Keep scratching, right there. Ya ya ya." 

I gave her a doggy smile after she pulled her hand away. Danielle clipped a rope to my collar and walked outside. She opened the door to the white thing and set me on the seat. Then she sat down on her seat. 

"Shoot! I forgot my keys in the house! Be right back Nova. You stay right there." 

Danielle ran back into the building called a house and ran back out with sparkly jingle things in her hands that must be the keys. 

Danielle drove us to the place where I met her for the first time and picked me up and brought me over to a guy in a blue suit like everyone else. 

"Welcome to the training facility Nova." Danielle whispered into my ear. 

"Welcome Danielle and..." 

"Nova, sir." 

"Please, call me Will." Danielle smiled. "Has Nova met your family yet?" 

"No s-Will. She has not. I didn't want her to get to confused with who her partner is so they spent the night at my Mom's house." 

Mom? She is here? Where?

I looked around looking for my mom. But couldn't find or smell her. 

"That's a good idea. Maybe keep it that way until she has a strong connection to you. What are you planning on going into with Nova?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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