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Jeongin woke up his head hurting his face infront of skin. He looked at it and realized it was a chest. He looked up and got shook. He saw Hyunjins face. Hyunjin still sleeping, his hand on Jeongins waist. Hickeys all over his neck and chest.

Jeongin blushed and slowly left the bed realising he wasnt wearing anything, making him blush more. He quickly but on some boxers and looked at the bed "Fuck fuck fuck" he thought and wanted to leave the room realising it was his own room.

He grabbed his phone, leaving the room walking into the kitchen, his mun was sitting there drinking her coffee ready leaving for work "Oh hey honey" she said smiling, jeongin just grabbed a glass of water and some pills for his headache. His mum looked at him " Soooo who's the boy?" jeongins face turned bright red.

"I'm the boy" a voice said entering the kitchen, jeongin quickly turned around seeing hyunjin just in boxers. Jeongins mum looked at Hyunjin "Ohoooo~~~ didn't knew u could get such a snack... Ok Wait hes a whole meal~!" "Mum!!" hyunjin just laughed "I'll take it as an compliment, thank u miss yang"  "No problem, but I have to go to work now" she stood up, kissed jeongins head an left.

Now jeongin was standing there red as hell and alone with Hyunjin. "Soooo..... U remember anything?" hyunjin asked and jeongin shook his head

"then let me tell u" hyunjin said smirking.



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<ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝔸𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 >  //Hyunin//Where stories live. Discover now