Chapter 21

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I walked away from the dorm, pulling out my mask. I put it on, and suddenly, the voice had decided to tell me where to go.

Turn left
Turn right.
Go forward.
I stopped. I listened the voice's instructions. I looked around  as i stopped. The voice continued to give me instructions i kept on following the instructions until it had led me to the bridge. The bridge i had attempted to jumped off, but got stopped by jimin.

Go to the bridge. Climb over the railing.

I went to the bridge and climbed over the railing like before. Instead of jumping, I sat down, staring at the ocean. The voice wasn't that loud. It didn't hurt that bad. Suddenly i realized something. The voice had stopped talking. I looked around. It had been my home.  Little did i know, It would've been my last time seeing it. Or was it?

I closed my eyes, in peace, as i put my hands into my jacket pocket. It had something in it. I opened my eyes and took it out. What i had in my hand was a small silver blade.


After all that had happened, I had started to worry about jeongin. He had never acted like that before. I saw woojin at in front of the maknaes door. i walked up to him and heard him sigh, like he had given up. I knocked on the door, and said,

"Jeongin? It's me.  Can you please open the door?"

No response. I glanced back at chan who was asking Felix what had happened.  I remembered that chan had once told me there were extra keys for every lock in the house, in his bedroom. I walked to his bedroom and searched through his stuff. Finally i had found the keys. When i returned to the door, Woojin, Minho, Hyunjin and Seungmin were all gathered on the floor waiting for Jeongin to respond. Changbin and Chan were with Felix. I got to the door and opened it with the keys. He members behind me quickly got up and rushed to the room.

There was no one there.

Third Person POV

The five members all gathered in Jeongins room. They were anxiously searching the room for jeongin. Seungmin realized that the window was open.

"Guys." Seungmin said. The five members looked over and waited for him to say something.

Seungmin continued to stare outside the window and said " I think Jeongin ran away again."

"But most of his stuff is still here. Maybe he didn't run away." Han noticed.

Minho has his head down, and quietly said "What if he ran away to... You know.. die?"

Everyone was trying to figure out what might've happened until Woojin interrupted them.

"Guys! If Minhos right, Then we need to stop him!!"

The five boys ran out of the room and out he door. Chan stopped Hyunjin and asked him what happened.

"We think Jeongin might be committing suicide!" And hyunjin ran out following the others.

"Felix. Stay here. Changbin. Watch him." Chan said sternly.

"But i'm not hurt." Felix told the older. He started to get up. "I can help find Jeo-"

"No. Stay here." and chan walked out of the dorm, worried.

Felix sighed and continued to get up, with Changbin trying to get him to stay.

"Look. I have to find Jeongin. You can follow me or you can stay."

"Fine. You can go." Felix walked out with Changbin following him.

The members had decided to split up and find Jeongin. Minho had accidentally ran into Jimin.

"Hey!" Jimin waved




Jimin immediately understood. He ran to the bridge, knowing that Jeongin might be there. Minho followed behind him. When they got to the bridge there was no one there. They looked over the bridge, under the bridge and even in the sea. Jimin and found some newly fresh blood at the end of the railing. He fell to the ground crying

"Is he really gone?"

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