Chapter 3

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Later that day... I glare at Ben as he walks toward me after lunch. Then I point at Lizzy.

"What did you do?!"

He looks confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Her onesie! Did you...draw on it!?"

His eyes light up.

"Oh. Yeah. Lizzy Lemon and I decided the plain white was boring. So I spiced it up a bit."

I carefully take her from his arms.

"Oh my god."

Her onesie looks like a color explosion. The animal drawings are well done... But is he crazy?!

"Did anyone see you drawing on her?! What if she accidentally got marked?!"

He looks taken aback.

"No, I—"

"This is what I'm talking about! What if Donaldson caught you?! Pretty sure permanent marker and babies don't mix!"

Ben looks angry for a moment... But I must have imagined that too... Because he covers it with a smile.

"Oh relax."

He glances around.

"And you shouldn't yell in front of Lizzy. You never knows who's watching."

Then he winks at me before walking away.

—————————A couple days later————————

"He's impossible, Tasha! He won't stop sending me selfies!"


"Of him and Lizzy. Him and Lizzy by the lockers. Him and Lizzy on the basketball court. Lizzy snuggled on the couch with a popcorn bowl."

"I actually think that's kind of cute."

"Ben Watson isn't cute. He's a joke."

"I know, but... He was so sweet with her in algebra earlier this week. He had her wrapped in his jersey while he drew on her onesie."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, it came out great. Didn't you see it?"

As I stare at the text, guilt rushes through me. He didn't draw on her onesie with her in it after all. He took care to make sure she was safe. Why didn't he tell me that?

—————————-The next morning————————-

I stand at the school entrance, staring at my watch. Ben's late. The first bell is going to ring any minute. Why would he want mornings if— A car suddenly speeds into the parking lot. Ben. I watch as he quickly parks and runs toward me.

"Sorry I'm late. My brothers held me up."

"Whatever. You're here now."

I place Lizzy gently in his arms, then turn to walk away.



"I've sent you tons of selfies and you haven't sent me any. What's up with that?"

I scrunch my face.

"Selfies? Why would I do that?"

He shrugs.

"I have a right to know what you guys are up to. I am the dad, you know."

I roll my eyes.

"She sits with me while I do homework. We watch documentaries. And then we go to bed early to get a good night's sleep."

He yawns. Loudly.

"Sounds like our little Lizzy Lemon is due for some fun."

"Um, what does that mean?"

But Ben doesn't answer me. He's already walking away. Later that day... I find out what "fun" means. I head down the hall and hear people laughing. There's a stroller by my locker. And it looks like a shark. Inside, Lizzy is wearing dark sunglasses and a thick gold chain. Dear god. I look around and spot Ben a few feet away... Snapping photos of her.

"What are you doing?!"

I reach in and remove the glasses. Then I take off the ridiculous chain.

"What? We're just having a little bit of fun. Lizzy's had a great morning. She's a star."

I open my locker and throw everything inside. Then I pick up Lizzy from the stroller. I'm too angry to form words. He's making us look like clowns.

"Come on. Where's your sense of humor? It's just a joke!"

I slam my locker closed and glare at him.

"YOU'RE the joke, Ben. Always have been, always will be."

He narrows his eyes at me.

"Is that what you think?"

I grit my teeth.

"As you said, I've known you for 13 years. And all I've seen you do is goof around and slack off. Bullying people—"

His eyes turn cold.

"I've never bullied anyone!"

"Second grade. Bucket of water on Josephine's head. Sixth grade. Snail in Dominic's sandwich—"

"PRANKS! Those were pranks. It's all in good fun. Why do you always have to be so uptight and judgmental?! I'm surprised you're not getting a nose bleed on your high horse!"

Someone behind us clears their throat. We both turn around at the same time. It's Donaldson.

"You know, I put you two together for a reason. I thought maybe you'd complement one another. Find a way to understand one another. Was I wrong?"

Ben and I stare at each other sheepishly.

"You just lost 10 points today. Both of you need to try harder..."

He raises a stern brow and gestures to Lizzy.

"For the baby's sake."

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