Chapter 4

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The next day... I smile nervously when Ben walks up to give me Lizzy. He gives me a weak smile in return. After Donaldson's scolding, we've barely talked. He hasn't sent me anymore selfies... And I haven't sent him anymore reprimands. He places Lizzy in my arms. She's in the colorful onesie again.

"All's good. Nothing of note happened."

"That's good."

There's an awkward silence. And then we both murmur our goodbyes and walk away. Later that night... I'm laying in bed, feeling kind of crappy. There's still another week to go on this project. I don't want to spend it at odds with Ben. And I refuse to get a bad grade. It's then that I get an idea. A crazy idea! But I have to try something. Cursing myself, I take out my phone... Grab Lizzy... Put her cheek against mine... Snap a selfie... And then send it to Ben. A few minutes go by. I'm starting to feel pretty stupid, but then my phone pings.

Did I just receive a selfie?

I sigh, but I'm smiling.

I'm even going to let Lizzy stay up a half hour later tonight. This is me trying, by the way.

Thank you. And in return, no more pimp chains.

I laugh.

Sounds good.

Now I have one more question... Is that a Justin Bieber poster on your wall?!

I go to bed 3 hours later. Because I stayed up texting with Ben. We talked about...literally everything. It was fun, and I barely noticed the time passing. But when I wake up the next morning... I'm confused. Did I seriously text Ben Watson all night?!? ME!? Even more shocking, I remember telling him about my strict parents. And how I've always been pushed to get good grades. It's something I don't talk about a lot. He was understanding and supportive... But god, now I feel weird! I never thought I'd know all this stuff about Ben! Are we friends now?! As I gather up Lizzy to leave for school... The mixed feelings continue. And when I see him walking toward me... I'm nervous! For the first time, I take in a bit more about him. He's tall, with dark eyes and dark hair. Well-built with nice arms. Nice arms?! God, what is happening?! Then suddenly, Ben's in front of me.

"How's my girl this morning?"

His girl?! What does he mean by that!? Oh wait. He's talking about Lizzy. Get a grip, Melanie. I quickly pass her over.

"She's great."

He takes her and throws her in the air. Then kisses her forehead. Oh geez. Did my heart just flutter?!

"I've gotta go. Talk to you later!"

I try to concentrate on school that morning, but it's impossible. Probably because Ben keeps sending me more selfies. And instead of finding them annoying... I find myself smiling. The next few days continue the same way. We chat every night... And take care of Lizzy together during the day. We get along and compromise. We send endless selfies... And we smile at each other in a different way. I'm so confused about my feelings... So I text Tasha over the weekend and tell her about my dilemma.

What? Something must be wrong with my eyes. Did you just say you LIKE Ben Watson? Is this some kind of weird autocorrect thing?

Trust me, I know! Maybe this baby thing is getting to my head.

It must be. Mel, you've spent years hating him.

I know, I know! But he's been super mature and great with Lizzy. And he hasn't made fun of me all week. Maybe he's changing?

I don't know. I wouldn't count on it.

——————————The next day——————————

I see Ben at my locker. ...But Lizzy is nowhere in sight. My heart jumps a little because we're not supposed to be seen without her. He's laughing with a friend as I approach. I hear the kid say... "Dude, can't believe you did that." "This is the final project. You're gonna fail." My stomach drops as my mind puts two and two together. With my heart pounding, I confront Ben.

"What did you do to her?!"

Ben stares at me.


"Where's Lizzy?! What stupid thing did you do now?!"

His eyes crease... And this time I know I see hurt in them. But I don't care. Just when I thought he was changing!

"We're not supposed to be seen without her! What don't you understand about that?! I knew you couldn't be trusted!"

Before Ben can respond, Donaldson comes around the corner. Lizzy is in his arms.

"Thanks for letting me take her, Ben. My wife loved that fabulous onesie."

He turns to me.

"Oh, Melanie! Ben was just telling me you guys have been getting along better lately. I knew things would work out."

After he leaves, Ben hands me Lizzy. Then he gives me a searing look.

"Derek was talking to me about math. I wouldn't let anything happen to Lizzy."

My expression is pained.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted. I shouldn't have—"

He cuts me off with a sad laugh.

"Hey, don't be sorry. I'm just a joke, right? That's what I've always been... And that's what I always will be."

He leaves me standing there... Feeling as uptight as he once said I was.

A/N- So the next chapter is the last one and I wanted to ask you what you think I should write about next.

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