Chapter 5

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Later that night... I'm feeling like crap. A text with an apology doesn't feel like enough... So I head over to Ben's house. On the way I think about what I want to say... Yes, Ben plays pranks. Yes, he's been kind of a bully. Yes, he doesn't take school as seriously as I do. But he's not a joke. There's a lot more to him than that. I walk up to his front door and ring the bell. When he opens the door, he looks panicked.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to apologize. I was out of line today."

A large boy suddenly pulls Ben into a headlock. Ben struggles to get away, but it's useless.


"Is this little Benny's girlfriend?! Who would ever date you?!"

More laughter comes from the living room. I look inside and see a group of guys playing video games. One of them throws a sneaker at Ben's head. Another makes kissing noises at him.

"You didn't tell us you had a girlfriend! Does she know you used to wet the bed until you were 12?! Especially when we put his hand in a bucket!"

Ben's face turns red.


All the boys start laughing. They all mock him... And I have no choice but to stand there and listen. Finally, Ben tears himself away and steps onto the front porch. He slams the door behind him.

"Sorry. My brothers are terrible."

I wring my hands.

"How many do you have?"


"Do they...always treat you like that?"

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"Well...I'm the youngest. And the smallest. So yeah, let's just say it hasn't been a lot of fun growing up."

A few things start to click into place.

"I know what you're thinking. Kid who gets bullied at home... Takes it out on kids at school."

I put a hand on his arm.

"Hey. I told you about my strict parents. It hasn't been a lot of fun for me growing up either. But I think I understand you a lot better now."

Our eyes connect... And the air shifts between us. Maybe we do complement each other.

"I'm sorry for today. I came over hoping... We could go to the park. Spend some time with Lizzy together."

He grins and squeezes my hand.

"Let's do it."

——————————-1 week later——————————-

Ben and I sit with Donaldson for the final assessment.

"And for the last question... How would you rate your co-parent?"

I answer first. Do I have the guts to say what I practiced?

"Working with Ben was difficult at first. We didn't always see eye to eye. But I think I've laughed more in these 2 weeks... Then I have in a long time. Ben's full of life and I learned a lot from him. Most importantly, he taught me how to let my guard down. Let loose a little bit. And one day, he's going to be an amazing father."

Donaldson smiles widely. Ben is staring at me... His expression unreadable.

"And you, Ben?"

Ben meets my eyes again. The look on his face sends my heart soaring.

"As Melanie said, it was challenging for us in the beginning. But she's everything anyone would want in a partner. She's smart, driven, and reliable. She grounded me...and made me want to be a better person. Melanie will be an incredible mom one day."

My eyes water a bit, but I blink it back. Yup. My heart is definitely soaring. Donaldson claps his hands together.

"Well, this ended better than I hoped it would! I am very proud of you two. Final grades will be posted online tomorrow. Now, make sure to leave Lizzy in the box on the way out."

He leaves the room... And now it's just Ben, Lizzy, and me.

"I'm going to miss her."

Ben nods sadly.

"Me too. Uh, Melanie...did you mean all that stuff you said? You know, to Donaldson?"

We lock eyes. Chemistry sizzles between us. A chemistry that has been building all week. I know he feels it too. I can tell by the way he looks at me.

"I did. ...Did you?"

He nods again... Then pulls out his phone.

"One more selfie before we say goodbye to Lizzy Lemon? The 3 of us this time?"

I pick up Lizzy and move in toward him.

"Let's do it."

Ben positions the phone... And with Lizzy between us... Snaps the photo. But at the last second... He turns his face toward me... And plants his lips on mine. It's the kiss of a lifetime. Oh baby.

A/N-That it for this story. I'm writing another story right now, so I'll be probably posting it today also.

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