Chapter 35: Prince Charming ♛

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Hey my lovely, amazing, beautiful and cute readers! It been TOOO FREAKING LONG! its been what!? more than 3 months..? that's crazy, insane...! I'm so terribly sorry to keep you guys waiting so long, if you didn't read my latest update (which was an authors note) it stated that i've been SUPERUPER busy for 1001 different reasons. On top of being busy I try my very hardest to write and write for you guys and I spent a good 2 months on this chapter and then my computer crashed and it was GONE!! I think i cried for a good day and I took a break from writing after that. So I'm so so sorry this chapter took so long to be up. OOOOh and if you haven't noticed I changed the cover of this book I really hope you like it I felt I needed to change it so I did! Anyways I really love you guys and I appreciate everything you guys do for me. I love you guys so so much!  I worked so hard on this chapter for you guys hope you love it!!!!!! <3 


"Here I'll get it." Scooter said as he reached up and grabbed my carry on bag that I kept up in the compartment as the flight attendant instructed. 

I got off my tippy toes and smiled "thanks Scoot." He grabbed my bag and I went to grab it and he said "I got it." And gestured for me to go. 

I trailed behind both Beth and Ryan. I thanked the flight attendant as I exited the plane. 

We made our way to the bag check and for the past I don't know 24 hours all that was on my mind was, Justin.

I stood there with a blank stare and I could feel three pairs of eyes glued to me and I quickly became very uncomfortable.

I snapped out of whatever trance i was in and I looked at everyone with a confused look "Whats wrong?" I asked in a soft voice.

"Nothing, are you okay?" Scooter asked "Yeah just a lot on my mind right now….." he nodded and then the bags began rolling down the convator belt and we watched every luggage as they passed until we found all of ours.

We began walking towards to front of the airport. "Uhh Scooter…" I said in a low tone and he turned around "yeah sweetie?" "Umm…where are we meeting Justin?" I said as I twirled my hair on my index finger.

Scooter smirked and said "oh well I'm not sure yet….I'll call him when we get in the car." I nodded and followed him and the others out to the front doors and as Scooter opened the door I was nicely greeted by warmth.

It was pretty sunny considering how early it was so I squinted to try and make my eyes adjust to the bright sunny rays. "oh here's our ride." I had my head down and I kind of just followed their voices and when I finally looked up I immediately started to cry.

There he was, my knight in shining armour, my prince charming, my love, my baby, my everything, there he was standing there, leaning up against the car with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

I dropped all of my bags literally in the middle of the airport entrance and ran to him. He put down the flowers and I jumped up into his arms as he grabbed me and held on to me as if I was falling off a cliff and if he let go I would die.

No words came out of any of our mouths, I kept my head on his shoulder and cried a little as he held my head and his other arm wrapped around my waist. I really missed this, I missed his warm touch, his smell, his silky hair, I missed him.

I pulled my head back and we stared each other and we both had tears rolling down our face and he leaned in and kissed me and we kissed....I'm now realizing how much I missed this.

Justin was probably holding and squeezing every freaking bruise I had, and I was kind of in pain but honestly the pain no longer fazed me. 

I pulled my lips away and just leaned my forehead against his and whispered "I missed you...." Justin still hasn't said anything, he is just holding me really tightly.

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