Summer Solstice: Dream

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"Why must today be so hot," I complained while fanning myself with a fan as I sat outside the porch.

I don't remember going back to the house yesterday. All I can remember was that intense headache which cause me to be passed out by the side of the hill, as my Aunt said. She said that one of the neighbors found me and carried me home.

Thank God that I'm still alive!

I've been here almost a week and I didn't even bother to explore the town or go to the sea. Instead, I just sat on Aunt's couch, surfed the tv and ignored my cellphone which is probably somewhere inside my LV purse upstairs, a purse that I got for birthday last year even though I never wanted it in the first place.

"Well, dear, it's summer," Aunt said and I heard the door slide on my back.

"I knew that Auntie but this is an island. Can sun just blast its heat in the city since I'm not there," I said and took a lemonade drink that she just brought.

I never had any 'true' friends back in the city and most of them only want my family's money. I wish the sun will give them sunburns, sadly, there is 100SPF sunscreen. I think that doesn't do as much since I think the 40SPF does the same work.

"You can't just tell the sun what to do, its part of the cycle of the universe," she said as she beckoned me to eat the watermelons she brought out with the drinks.

"Maybe later. Thanks Auntie," I said and sipped my lemon drink. As I observed my Aunt looking at the ocean, I saw a thread of silver that is attached to her chest area, and I thought that it must be a spider's thread.

I mean the house is kind of old or "antique" as my Aunt corrected.

"Hey Aunt, it looks like there's a spider's thread on your chest," I said and pointed at it.

"Where?" she asked and looked at her shirt," I don't see anything. Is this one of your jokes? You know I hate spiders," she said disappointedly.

"No it's not. Don't move I'll get it for you," as I said that, I touched her shirt and the thread disappeared.

"Huh? I think the wind got it before I could," I said and gave her a thumbs up, "You're good"

"Make sure to tell me when you have the headaches so that I can give you some Tylenol," she reminded me again which she said the same thing when I first woke up this morning.


"Hey Aunt. What do you think is the best hair style for me?" I asked as I looked at my light brown hair. Then showed her the fashion magazine with all the latest hair trend.

"I think this plum color is good for my hair. Don't you think so," I added waiting for her response after she put the dinner on the table.

"I think you should asked your mom about that," she said and avoided my gaze.

"I understand," I replied hiding my anger.

Why can't she be a little more supportive of me. I wished that she was fully on my side. Everyone keeps telling me what and what not to do. I am not a puppet! I have a life too.

"I'm sorry. If you were my daughter, things would have been different," she apologized as she sat across the table from me.

"Being born as the only daughter is such a problem. I wish I had another sister or something so that everyone would just stopped nagging me on what to do," I said and shoved a spoonful of rice in my mouth.

"It wouldn't change anything," she mumbled and I saw a sad look on her face.

"What was that?," I asked playfully trying to change the mood.

"Nothing. Here have some more beef you need some meat on those skinny arms of yours," she said and filled my bowl with grilled beef.

"I'm not skinny, I'm muscular," I corrected and pointed at my left arm as I flexed it,"Say hello to my little friend"

"Hello little friend," she said and added,"Now finished your dinner and eat your vegetables"

"Yeah, I will," I assured her.


As I lay myself on the bed, I thought about my plans tomorrow.

"Shall I go swimming? Or explore the town?"

While thinking about that over and over again I felt myself falling asleep.

I was walking at the side of the road on a place I never been before. Although something about it reminded me of this town, the trees and the ocean and it has the same view of the house. My eyes looked up. I saw the house at the top of the hill and is not too far from where I'm standing.

Then, my body began to move on its own letting the sundress I'm wearing flow with my movements.

Now where am I going, I thought.

Then as I continue walking, I saw a boy standing on the rocks, where the waves are the strongest.

"Hey, it's dangerous out there," I called out and continued," You should stand there instead, it's safer" my fingers pointed at the shore where the people are playing volleyball game.

"I know," he said and I heard the playfulness in his voice but I can't see his face, everything is a blur.

"Then if you knew, why are standing over there in the first place," my voice shouted and I felt like I wanted to hit him on his stupid head.

"I was waiting for you," he said and I saw that he is now standing in front of me and he added, "Would you ever noticed me if I was standing over there in the first place?"

Something about him felt familiar but I don't know, maybe he went to the same school or a friend's friend.

"No," I said. One of the things I learned from watching crime shows is never approached strangers on the road because they might be a kidnapper or worse murderer

"I thought so," he said. I felt that this dream is almost over because I felt my senses of reality coming is coming back.

"Meet me here tomorrow," was the last sentence I heard from him before the sunlight lit the entire bedroom.

As I woke up I felt myself feeling tired as if that dream just took some of my energy. I looked at my phone and saw that it is 4am.

He must be stupid thinking I'll go to that area today!

"That was just a dream" I assured my self and went to sleep again.

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