{17:The Brats Back}

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After my first class,I had Maths,which just went by like a blur.

I met up with Riley for recess after that.I had also told her that Noah had started dating Zoe.And trust me,she went ballistic.

"What?!why?!I don't believe you!"

I put my pointer finger to my lips willing for her to stop screaming.

"Riley, I don't know.He told me that he had went to a party and that "their relationship just grew" 

I made bunny ears around the last bit.

Riley scratched her chin as if she had a long beard.

"Somethings wrong Fai. From what I know,Noah's nothing like that.Like,going to parties!?He didn't even want his own birthday party cause he didn't like any of the other kids,"

I blushed at the memory.

For his eleventh birthday,Noah's parents had wanted their son to have a birthday party and invite some if his friends that were boys.

Noah had declined,and we had ended up going to the cinema together.It was our first time going outside by ourselves and the conversations we had exchanged were actually hilarious now that I think of it.


"Noah,What if some creep comes and kills us?"11 year old me worried

"Don't worry Fai! I'll protect you!"Newly 11 year old Noah said.

"How?"I had asked.

"Um...I'll tell them that i'm 25!That way he would know that he's messing with an adult!"

I sighed.

"Why don't I feel comforted?"

Noah grinned.

"Come on the films going to start.I'll race you!"

He had started running by the time I started.

"Hey!Come back you cheater!There's no head-starts remember!?"

I ran after him.The summer wind wipped my face,sending warm air to course over my skin.

Noah laughed from ahead.

"Rules are made to be broken Fai!"

When he stopped,we were in front of the cinema.

Noah panted,his hands resting on his knees.

I joined in,trying to cool down.

"Noah,what time is it?"

Noah looked at his brand new watch.His eyes widened when he saw the time.

"What time was the movie on Fai?"


"Its 6:00!"

We looked at each others face absolutely amazed at our stupidity.

"Noah!I thought you said it was 4:30 by the time we arrived at the bus station!"

We began rushing up the stairs to the centre of the Imagines Cinema.

"You know I'm not good at Math!And I think this watch is broken,"

"Broken my Butt,You got that watch today!"



"Um,how can I help you?"

The lady behind the counter asked us.

We both turned our heads her way at the same time.

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