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Dedicated to ashleyreneedeines and Asfiyakhan17 and of course to Lee5555


I blinked a couple or thousand times before I finally spoke.

"She stole your boyfriend?"I asked totally dazed.

She laughed softly with her beautiful voice breaking through the silence that had gathered around us like thick fog.

"He wasn't my boyfriend.More like a...Best friend.I met him when I was in 9th grade.Im 20 now.He made me feel so happy,he was kind and really handsome. And that's where miss Demon comes in,"She sighed before letting go of my newly manicured hand.

I studied them both and they were insanely smooth and gorgeous.

Julia only put the stuff away.

I cleared my throat.

"What happened then?"I asked,voice small.

"Zoe stole him from me and I became a depressed teen girl once again without the love of my life.Hes in another country now with a wife.I heard she's pregnant.And now your here with my enemy who's now trying to steal your best friend away who you obviously secretly like.I want to help.The end,"

She spoke without many pauses,so it took some time for my slow brain to process her words.

"That's horrible!So she wasn't just a super self absorbed bratty player!She's a life ruiner!"

I tucked my outstretched arms back on my lap and tried not to look like a total freak.The whole beauty shop had stopped and was staring at me.

I giggled nervously and scratched the back of my head and accidently pulled at my stich.I yelped in pain.
Julia face palmed herself and pulled me towards the staff room.

"Look,if we want to get revenge on Zoe it won't quite work if you get super awkward about it and drive unwanted attention onto our doorstep!"

I nodded as I was led through a hallway that was filled with a lavender scent before Julia opened a door that I assumed was where the staff room actually was.

Inside,the walls were the softest cyan colour and all the furniture looked exactly like the theme Julia was going with.

Before I could say anything,Julia answered.

"Each staff gets their own staff room.Simple."

Julia walked over to her desk and sat down behind it,camouflaging perfectly with the room I had to blink twice to be able to spot her from the chair.

"Come on now,sit.We could almost be considered friends at this point."

Her dazzling smile was Beautiful but sarcasm lingered under it.

I closed the door behind me(that made hardly any sound because of its well oiled hinges.

I walked over to the black chair in front of Julia's desk and sat down onto the foamy material.I sunk down a couple of centimetres into the softness.

Julia pulled out a well-kept notebook from her desk drawer.

She turned it over to a page.On the top of it,"Zoe Kaley's Victims" was written in bold and beautiful handwriting.Below it,a whole list of girl and boy names were written and a small description of what she did.

Below it,a whole list of girl and boy names were written and a small description of what she did

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I gawped at all the terrible things Zoe had done to all the poor friends and couples.She was 16 or 17.When did she do all of this?

"There's more,but I don't want you to look at all this super secret information yet.I felt like a kid doing all this.But the situation isint simply her ruining people's love lives.She has gotten these people expelled. Do you know what this means?The hard education their parents have worked so hard for is over for them!Other schools would never agree to have an expelled student in their academy.I met Bella.She was ever so sweet and talented.She was going to be an engineer.She worked soooo hard for it you would think her life depended on it.When Zoe got her expelled,Bella was in shock.She wouldn't come out her room in days.Weeks.Even if she did her mother would tell me that her eyes would be crimson red from tears and her hair an oily mess.Zoe isint just a bully,she's a nightmare ruining people's dreams,"Julia finished.

She turned the book over to a brand new page and scribbled down the title again and wrote my name.

"What's his name?"She asked

"N-Noah Mayer,"I muttered still stunned from what I had heard.Zoe was dangerous.I thought she was just jealous and mad that she couldn't make Noah fall for her,but she had gotten people expelled. Shes ruining people's lives and relationships!

Julia closed the book and tucked it back in her drawer.

I cleared my throat.
"If this has been going on and you knew it why didn't you tell the police?"

Julia scoffed.

"I did.On many occasions of her bullying and her expulsion I tried to get the police to do something about this.But her parents are rich. Really rich.Mr Kaley and his wife know what she is doing but they decide to ignore it and let their only daughter ruin other peoples lives."

Julia pulled her hair in a high ponytail and looked into the mirror opposite her desk.

"Me and You Faith,Are going to stop that.And I know that you don't even know me but I can't risk losing time just for introductions.Its time someone exposed Zoe for who she really is,and see why your best friend is dating her."

She stopped staring at herself and looked at my pale face.

"Do we have a deal?Or would you rather your life helplessly getting destroyed when you knew you could have changed that?"

What the heck is this week.

You know what?

Screw it.


Chapter 27 finishes here

Authors note below

Thanks so much for reading this chapter!Much appreciated!

Sorry for that horribly long wait for a new chapter to be out.I still love this book but I haven't been able to post because of how busy I have been with my life.So thank you for waiting!

As always I will write a new chapter now


1005 words

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