20: Love, Peace, and Obedience.

344 31 47

22: If God is love, and Jesus taught peace, why are do many Christians warmongering gun nuts?

First off, I don't know any Christians who are 'warmongering' and, whether someone is warmongering or not is a matter of perspective.

But if you are asking why Christians (most) are for war; We are for war in certain cases, cases in which only war can rid the world of evil organizations. Examples being Nazis, Saddam Hussein, ISIS, ect. 

If you have a problem with that, then frankly you are not a very decent human being.

God is love: He loves everyone.

Jesus did teach peace: peace for the helpless, the orphans, the widows, the decent people, the oppressed, the hated, ect.

23. Why do communities, states, and nations with higher rates of religious belief also have worse indicators of quality of life and societal good? For example, the Deep South of the US is known to be very religious. 

Why does it have higher rates of crime, domestic violence, infant mortality, and other such social indicators? Same for, say, pious Central America versus Western Europe.

As I have said many times before, people's actions don't always reflect their beliefs, but rather they reflect their values. There is a big difference, and the problem is not with the belief.

If you love me, keep my commands. ~John 14:15

The Bible never commands people to commit crimes, in fact it does just the opposite.

But in order to properly address this question, I would need the statistics used, and the method with which the survey was done. So if anyone can get those to me, I can address this further.

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