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"A little mouse and a hamster," Chu Shuzhi smirked. It was a strike of bad luck that at this moment he was the one with the highest rank around and these two midgets decided to climb the One Thousand Steps and see him with some kind of super important information, considering the journey his boss had so leisurely left on. Everyone in the Griffin Squad already highly doubted, their flirtatious Captain left on an "important mission". With such a beauty by his side, he's more likely enjoying a heated vaccation while the rest can work their asses off.

Being a creature of the dark, Chu Shuzhi didn't really like to stick around the Capitol for too long. Especially not around the magically sensitive wizzards, who could guess his origins. And from the looks of the tinnier one, he actually already had and he was trembling like crazy, ready to faint any second. The other one, a human, seemed quite courageous, even when Old Chu threw his deadliest stare at him, the young man seemed unwavering... except for his slightly shaking knees that gave him away.

Catching a stern comanding stare of Laila, his dwarven sergeant, he decided to stop intimidating the two wizzards-in-training, turning to his dark brown Griffin, checking the saddle. "What do you want... rodents?" He mumbled.

Sang Zan put a hand on Guo Changcheng's shoulder to calm him down but the smaller boy's legs finally gave way and he fell down. "Un-undead..." he whispered.

"What?" Sang Zan leaned down to check on his friend but the black-cloathed giant was faster, grabbing Guo by his collar, dragging him into one of the barracks's buildings.

"Hey! Hey!" Sang Zan yelled, hurrying after them.

Carrying the elf like he didn't weight anything, Chu Shuzhi entered to his room and threw him on the bed like a piece of luggage. "You! Think before you speak!" He roared but to his surprise, the wizzard had already fainted.

* * *

Guo Changcheng woke up to the worried face of his roommate slightly tapping at his cheeks to wake him up. "Ah! Finally! You okay, Xiao Guo?" he asked with concern.

"Y-yeah... I think..." he probbed himself up on his elbows. The room was small - though bigger than theirs back at the Academy - with barely any furniture besides the bed in it, white walls, a very small window and a high ceiling making it seem kind of almost prison-like. He could hear the sound of two men arguing outside the door, though he couldn't understand quite well what they were bickering about. Then the door handle moved and in came a chubby black cat with fluffy shining fur. Along with the huge, bear-like and scary short-haired man in a black uniform with Lieutnant rank on it that Guo identified as an undead previously. But being hissed at by the cat, the giant stopped by the door, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed on his chest.

The black cat jumped on the bed, crawling over to sit on Guo Changcheng's chest, looking at him with its light-reflecting feline eyes. "I heard you got bullied by old Chu," the cat spoke. Chu Shuzhi rolled his eyes.

"Are you guys friends of the teaching assisstant Shen Wei?" The cat continued.

Both of them were quite surprised to see the cat talk in a man's voice... actually in any kind of voice. Guo smiled, completely forgetting the threatening presence by the door and reached his arns to cuddle the fluffy creature with grown-up's vocals.

Surprised Da Qing froze, his eyesight travelling back to the now smirking Chu. Guo Changcheng's arms pulled him into a tight embrace and his face burried itself in his fluffy fur. "Aww, kitty kitty came to cheer me up!"

Sang Zan knew, Xiao Guo was a huge animal lover, but even he understood, this was no animal but most likely a werecat and an adult male.

The first thought of the spymaster Da Qing was to cut with his claws the face of the daring kid who decided to defile his precious fur with his snot but seeing the pure and calming innocence radiating from the young wizzard, he only sighed and accepted the humiliation of "being cuddled".

"Alright... alright..." Da Qing squeezed himself out of the embrace after a few moments, ignoring the low laugh of his collegue by the door. "So what's the deal, kids? What's so important?" He pointed to Guo and Sang Zan with his tail.

"Guo keeps having the same dream for the last 3 days that concerns teaching assistant Shen Wei and a Griffin," Sang Zan started.

Chu Shuzhi smirked. "And? You should have seen my dream about Lieutnant Zhu Hong the other day!" he laughed.

Da Qing squinted his eyes. "Zombies aren't supposed to have wordly desires aside from hunger..."

"Hunger can express itself in many ways..." Chu Shuzhi raised his eyebrows and winked at the two baffled, all red and embarrassed students.

The cat spymaster only rolled his eyes. "So? Dreams are dreams. People tend to have them."

"Nnn... you see," Xiao Guo started, "I am someone with high sensitivity towards magic and magic itself tends to flow towards me..."

"That's how you guessed, Lao Chu is a creature of dark magic," Da Qing nodded. "Keep it a secret, you two, okay? Not many people know, to not raise panic, and we need every rider we can get."

For a moment, Sang Zan tried to imagine the mass panic that could start in Capitol if the word got out that there's a zombie somewhere.

"Yeah, if you breathe out a word, I'll eat you," Chu Shuzhi muttered, earning another angry hiss from the werecat.

Guo then described his dream. "...and why I think this isn't a dream is that neither of those things relate to me. It feels like this is a warning message of something that might come."

"A grey Griffin missing a rider, you said..." Da Qing glanced over to Chu Shuzhi.

"Captain's Black Rose is the only grey Griffin in the 1st fleet," Lao Chu said. "They left with her."

"Hmm... I'm getting bored nowadays anyway, I think I'll go meet them half-way," Da Qing jumped down from the bed and walked over to the door, "I can count on Lao Chu to drop me off when you fly tomorrow, right?"

"Sure. Heading West anyway," he nodded. Then he walked over to the two students, towering threateningly over them. "You better shut up about this as well, midgets." And leaning over to the trembling Guo he whispered: "I once ate a child, don't think I have any boundaries left..."

And... Xiao Guo fainted again.

 Xiao Guo fainted again

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Going back to our favourite couple weilan next time, don't worry guys! X3 And I think it's time for some flirty time! What do you guys think? XD

Going back to our favourite couple weilan next time, don't worry guys! X3 And I think it's time for some flirty time! What do you guys think? XD

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