9th Tea part one

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It was already the 5th time Shen Wei had to slap Yunlan's pervy hand away this morning. They were climbing up the old sand-stone stairs towards the Immortals' Temple, the final destination of their long and perilous journey and the Captain seemed to be only focusing on a certain wizzard's behind.

"Oh, your reflexes are good, Xiao Wei," Zhao Yunlan smirked, rubbing the reddening back of his hand. He was smiling, the melancholic look on his face from this morning was gone.

Shen Wei faced forward again, continueing the ascend. It took some time both of them to fall asleep again after the adrenaline run in the middle of the night. When Shen Wei woke up in the morning, Yunlan was sitting at his side, stroking his long hair gently, with a sad smile and eyes like looking from behind thick glass, unfocused and sort of watery. Seeing his lover open eyes, however, he quickly put on a smile and went to put his clothes on. Shen Wei didn't even have a chance to ask what that was about.

Now the cheerfull Captain acted as if nothing had happened.

"Don't you think, for ONCE the temple could be in a valley? I can get a hill but... why a freaking mountain?!" Zhao Yunlan complained loudly between heavy breaths.

"It's a temple dedicated to the God of Wind. Of course, it's not in a valley," Shen Wei commented. "I think, after winning the Great Race twice in a row - no less - you were entittled The Messenger of the God of Wind, were you not, you should understand these things, shouldn't you?"

"Actually, any winner of the Great Race would win the title until someone else beats them. It just so happened, I managed to be the first one to win the race twice," the Captain beamed, happy Shen Wei is interested in his achievements. "Me and Rosie are still the fastest, so I'm aiming to keep the title for a little more time." He winked at Shen Wei who frowned.

"Only men who want to die young enter the race," Shen Wei said after a few seconds of silence. Then he felt an arm around his shoulder.

"Are you worried for me? Awww, Xiao Wei cares for me!"

Zhao Yunlan was making fun of him but Shen Wei was serious, the Captain's evident lack of danger, especially after yesterday's strange occurence seemed alarming.

To Shen Wei's surprise, however, Zhao Yunlan's eyes turned serious. "I cannot deny my pride playing a part but there are other things at stake for which I have to enter the race. Or more like, people who I cannot let win."

The wizzard blinked a few times, then gulped while thinking about his own words. "Yunlan... if you are thinking this way... will they not think the same? I do not doubt your honour but whoever it is in your eyes that shan't take your title... they might surely..."

Zhao Yunlan snorted slightly, nodding. "Yeah, but don't worry. Me and my team will be extra careful. Will you be watching? Want me to get you some VIP seats?"

Sighing, Shen Wei could see the serious minute has passed already. "No, I will be forseeing the junior first years during the Parade and we will probably not go further than Harg-dam."

"You will be in the Parade, too? That's great! Isn't it awesome?" Zhao Yunlan seemed exstatic like a little child.

* * *

Surely, the late morning's Parade of the King's Birth Day was a huge happening. The whole Capitol would get up early, only to get the best seats to watch the colourful and entertaining event. The Parade would start near the Academy with Military members at front, opening with Griffin Riders and their beautiful display of power and status. Right behind them, there would be battle mages, entertaining the crowd with flashy and theatrical magic. Then the rest of the Military. After them the prominent guild members of Capitol and their allegoric carriages. The Parade would be closed with Wizzarding Academy and its Professors and best students as well as junior freshmen at the very end.

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