8th Tea part one

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One thing seemed certain to Captain Zhao. The huge distance between him and Shen Wei considerably decreased. Even the first kiss' slapping ending - thanks to Captain's prompt explanation - didn't seem like an obstacle. Even Shen Wei himself was most likely ready for more flirting and possibly, with a strong enough push something even more. The increased frequency of accidental touches, nagging to take better care of himself and nervous gulping were all indicators, this whole hunt-down-the-beautiful-wizzard game had been nearing a successfull climax (in more ways than one) with a huge possibility for a long-lasting continuation.

One problem, however, that arose now was that the frivolous Captain finally realized, he's heading for a long-term monogamous relashionship, that - make no mistake! - he himself actually wishes for but more importantly, it is the only kind of relashionship that Shen Wei wants in his life. Surely, now there is no problem but what if his old habbit kicks in and he breaks the heart of such a serious person? What happens then? Does Shen Wei really trust someone like him? Well, he probably does, after all this time he most likely decided to trust Zhao Yunlan...

Walking on the narrow path through the dense deciduous forrest behind the unsuspecting half-elf, Captain Zhao was having a hard time finding a solid foundation for trusting himself while climbing up the stream alongside a happily burbling mountain creek...

The air was fresh and the water was at a higher level than usual after the rain, so they mostly climbed the bigger rocks to avoid deep mud and cold water. But even through the coldness of the water, the sun rays creeping amongst the tree barks full of yellowish green leaves of the silvery-bark beech trees, felt warm and cosy, filling one with a burst of morning energy.

Shen Wei seemed to be in especially good mood, smiling to himself as he measured his long strides to step only on the safe surface. He was glad to be out of the Capitol in wilderness for once. Not that he didn't like passing time studying diligently in Academy's vast library or helping the Professors prepare for lectures or working on his own thesis but a change of pace was welcome and for once he wasn't being judged for being a half or treated as a dangerous weapon that could set off at any moment. Maybe it was exactly because of this that he himself didn't go out of his way to make friends but Captain's totally natural and unchanging behaviour around himself had left him feel like he can be who he is and Zhao Yunlan will just accept it. If a problem arises, he will deal with it when it comes... for once the young wizzard felt like there was no need to put up barriers.

While minding his own steps, Captain Zhao suddenly ran into Shen Wei who had stopped abruptly. Rubbing his nose, he peeked over the other man's shoulder. "Oh! Nice, a road! I didn't expect to find one here."

Shen Wei lifted the hem of his long gown and jumped the remaining distance onto the rocky road. It looked spacious enough for a carriage to ride through, though probably unused in a long time.

"But there really is not supposed to be a road here..." the wizzard rubbed his chin before feeling the other man leaning onto his shoulder with his arm.

"Well, it's here so let's use it!" The Caltain grinned. Then he took out his shell whistle and blew it a few times to signal Rosie somewhere in the sky in which direction they're heading.

"Unless..." Shen Wei mumbled and started to walk fast again in one of the road's directions.

"W-wait! What unless?" The Captain hurried to catch up with him changing the way randomely, quickly pulling out his compass to check their directions.

"What? It's not working? Hey, Shen Wei! My compass...!" Finally catching up he shoved the compass in front of his companion's face.

Watching the small gadget's arrow go round and round in circles, Shen Wei nodded. "A disrupted magnetic energy field. We are close."

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