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I watch slightly disinterested as Ben and Mal make their appearance to all of Auradon, I already knew what was going to happen Jane filled me in; Ben was going to propose to Mal and whilst it was cute and all there were so many other things I coul...

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I watch slightly disinterested as Ben and Mal make their appearance to all of Auradon, I already knew what was going to happen Jane filled me in; Ben was going to propose to Mal and whilst it was cute and all there were so many other things I could be doing. Regardless I had to be here so I stood with my fake smile plastered across my face.

Ben and Mal stepped onto the platform and greeted us with smiles and waves before Mal stepped forwards trying to get off, Fairy Godmother quickly stopped her and told her to stay put. I watched her face contort to one of confusion but she did as she was told.

"Bippity-boppity, one, two, one, two. Can everybody hear me?" Fairy Godmother called into the microphone; "Yes." We all called out to her. "Ben." She handed it to him and he sent her a thankful smile. "Thank you, Fairy Godmother. What's up, Auradon? Thank you. Thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon." He speaks into the microphone.

"Not like we had a choice." I heard Audrey's grandmother mutter from beside me making me roll my eyes; "It worked out pretty well
for the first four." Ben continues smiling towards his girlfriend. "Yeah, especially for you." Chad called out amused, his girlfriend not so much. "Really funny." She scowled putting her fist up to silence him.

"Mal, this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life. But did I mention, I'm in love with you?" He gave her this cute little speech and I couldn't help but aw with everyone else as Doug began to play his guitar.

I met this girl
That rocked my world
Like it's never been rocked
And now I'm living just
For her and I won't ever stop
I never thought that
It could happen to a guy like me
But now look
At what you've done
You got me down on my knee

"Mal, it's you and me. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be my Queen?" He asked her hopefully, holding out a ring box, I couldn't see the ring but I'm sure that it was beautiful. "No!" Audrey called out from beside me, but no one payed her any attention.

"Yes. Yes, yeah!" Mal exclaimed excitedly bringing a genuine smile to my face. Ben and I used to be best friends until he started to date Audrey, she hated how much time we spent together and eventually the close bond we had shared reduced to nothing. I was truly happy for them unlike Audrey who just, fainted? Wow she really is dramatic. I watched everyone celebrate wishing that I was there with them instead of next to Audrey and her grandmother that seemed to hate everyone.

I felt so lonely all by myself on the side, everyone had someone well everyone but me. I have to admit that I did have a crush on Carlos when he first came from the isle but that quickly left one he started dating my best friend. I want bitter or anything I did think that Jane and Carlos were super cute together, plus it's my own carrot for never really speaking to him, I guess it just wasn't meant to be. How long would I be waiting for my meant to be?

"A lifetime of plans, gone. Our family status, gone. Audrey, you were supposed to be his Queen, and you let him slip through your fingers. Your mother could hold onto a prince in her sleep." I winced at the harsh lecture that Audrey was receiving, why was her grammy so uptight, she needed to relax. I tried to occupy myself by playing with the strings of my hoodie but I let out a huff of annoyance once I realised I'd tugged on the baby blue string too hard, and they were now at uneven lengths.

I was wearing a simple cropped baby blue hoodie with a matching skirt and my trusty white and blue trainers

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I was wearing a simple cropped baby blue hoodie with a matching skirt and my trusty white and blue trainers.

"Don't you think I feel bad enough already, Grammy?" I really didn't want to be listening to this conversation

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"Don't you think I feel bad enough already, Grammy?" I really didn't want to be listening to this conversation. "Ben and Mal are the best. I'm so excited for Mal to be our Queen." Some people passing were engaged in innocent conversation until Audrey turned to glare at them.  "You'd really rather have a V.K. on the throne than me?" She sneered, wow she is so delusional if she really thought that she was going to be queen. "What is wrong with you, people? What is wrong with everybody?" I'd had enough of Audrey and her little meltdown so I hopped over the hedge and made my way to my best friend and her friends. 

Everyone was hugging each other and I was surprised when Ben pulled me into a hug, "I'm engaged pip." He beamed bringing a soft smile to my face as I noticed he used the nickname he had for me. "I saw, poor Mal." I joked making him mock glare at me, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding congratulations, I'm glad you've found your meant to be. You both deserve it." I tell him sincerely as he beams even more, if possible.

Mal's purple limo pulls up meaning that they had to leave to go and collect the four new Vks, I was pretty indifferent to them, if I got to meet them it'd be cool but I doubted that I would and so I didn't really think about them. I mean even though two of the four were sons of Smee a partial villain in my parents story, I wasn't like Audrey I didn't hate them for no reason other than who their parents were.

I saw the look of worry on Jane's face as she watched her the back of her boyfriends head disappear with the limo, "don't worry Jane he'll be back in no time." I told her looping my arm through hers.

"Do not panic, okay? Nobody needs... to panic" Fairy Godmother tried to assure us as we watched Hades try and escape from the isle, "There's your precious Queen. She can't even protect us." Audrey yelled out making me scoff as we watched the dragon version of Mal on screen. "Okay. We're panicking. Bippity -boppity run." Everyone fell into a panicked frenzy and went screaming and running in all directions.

Well everyone except for me and Jane. I had faith in Mal plus I knew Jane would wanna wait until Carlos came back safe and sound. I was worried for them but not as much as Jane was. The difference was Jane had bonded with the Vks and well I... I was just a friend by default because I was Jane's best friend.

So there we sat in silence on the sidewalk my face resting in my hands as we waited for the return of Jane's loved ones.

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