Can't get scared on an empty stomach!

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Namsoon's wail cut through the kitchen. Everyone had already been seated and they jumped. Hosook was bringing out the side dishes. At Namsoon's wail, she immediately dropped the tray onto the table in front of Bruh.
"Calm down! Calm down my daughter!"
Hosook dashed into the living room to see Namsoon thrashing about on the couch.
"My daughter! My daughter!" Hosook ran over to grab Namsoon's flailing arms. Jin & Jungkook rose to their feet as the wailing got louder. Jungkook shot Jin a look, but at the sound of Hosook's yell, he immediately set off for the living room. Jin stayed. The remaining seated looked at each other in confusion before staring towards the living room.
"Oi! Oi! What's going on?" Jungkook helped Hosook wrestle his daughter's arms under control.
Jin knelt by the couchside.
"Hey, look at me! Look at me!" Jungkook's voice snapped. Namsoon blinked. Appa Jungkook rarely raised his voice but when he did...Namsoon obeyed, breath coming in heavy.
", what happened?" Jungkook asked slowly.
Namsoon pointed shakily at the mirror hanging.
"A-a-a-a-a g-girl..."
Hosook and Jungkook leaned forward.
"Th-th-th-there was a girl...the mirror...she was coming out! She was trying to get me!" Namsoon cried in distress.
"Shhh. Shhh." Hosook gently rubbed her back.
"It's alright just shhhh."
Jungkook stood up to inspect the mirror. It looked perfectly fine. There was nothing wrong with it. He noticed some dust had gathered on the frame but nothing else seemed out of the ordinary. He exchanged glances with Hosook. Those are the "are you thinking what I'm thinking" looks only parents can give each other.
Hosook faced her panicked daughter.
"Honey, why don't we take you to the kitchen with us? You must be so hungry." She admonished.
"It's true! It's TRUE! I'm not lying!" Namsoon wailed, frantically glancing at the mirror.
"Hey!" Hosook's sharp tone caused her to jerk her head back.
"Calm down. Let's get something to eat, OK?"
"O...ok..." Namsoon didn't want to further upset her mother. Slowly, Jungkook and Hosook lifted Namsoon up from the couch and walked her toward the dining room.
"Is everything ok?" Jin asked. Everyone glanced up at their arrival.
"Ah, yes. Namsoon didn't want to eat alone." Hosook reassured him. She and Jungkook carried Namsoon to the only available seat which was between Dimples and Jin. Namsoon's face immediately flushed.
"Ah, t-that's ok, eomma! I'm actually not that hungry. I could stay on the couch!"
"Nonsense, my daughter! You are going to eat with us. Now sit."
Once again, Namsoon obeyed Hosook's sharp tone. Jin pulled the chair out and the parents eased their daughter onto the chair. Once seated, she gripped the chair to move it forward. Jin put his hand on the back of it to help her move forward. While pushing, his hand wasn't completely on the chair, but rested on her back. This physical contact made her bump the table. Hard. Everyone jumped. Tae's cup almost fell over, but Chae caught it.
"Oi! Be careful!" Tae exclaimed.
Namsoon looked down, face all red. Hosook covered her smile. Jungkook sighed. Dimples elbowed her and gave her a look.
Smooth move.
Shut up.
"ALRIGHT, time for the dinner!" Hosook rolled her tongue to emphasize the "r". With grandeur and flourish, she distributed the food dishes to the center of the table.
"Ah, eomma! You made so much!" Namsoon cried.
"The more the merrier right?" Chae chided in.
Hosook giggled. Tae smiled. Namsoon laughed. Yoongi simply set about filling his plate. Once the food was distributed, everyone gave thanks for the food and dug in.
"Ah, this is delicious!" Chae gasped.
Dimples nodded her head in agreement.
"Boi, you never told me your mom could cook this good!" Bruh elbowed Tae as he stuffed his face. Tae smiled back.
"Boi, you never asked."
"Ah, the best part of my day." Jungkook smiled at Hosook which made her blush.
"I couldn't agree more." Yoongi chimed in.
Namsoon and Tae both exchanged glances.
Cuty barked, hoping for a treat to be dropped.
"Ah, Cuty! Here, treat! Treat!" Namsoon held out her hand.
Cuty eagerly snatched up the delicacy and Dimples giggled.
"Can I feed him?" she asked.
"Sure. Hold your hand out like this." Namsoon demonstrated.
Dimples paid close attention as well as Chae.
"And you say 'Here Cuty!'"
At that moment, Cuty came and ate once again.
"Alright. Now let me try!" DImples grabbed a treat from the bowl.
Tae quickly handed Chae a chopped mackerel.
"You try."
"Oh, o-ok. Here Cuty!"
Before Dimples could even fully open her hand, Cuty turned right on his paw and bounded over to Chae. Without a second thought, he snatched up the fish and gobbled it.
"Wow!" Chae breathed.
"Yay!" Namsoon cried.
Dimples muttered something under her breath.
Tae leaned in close to Chae.
"Those are his favorite." He whispered.
"Yeah, I always carry them around in case Namsoon unleashes him on me."
"What are you telling her about me?" Namsoon demanded.
"Nothing." Tae replied with an innocent smile.
"Ah, don't feed him too much now. I don't want him making a mess like last time." Hosook chided.
"Ne Eomma." The siblings both said.
"Where'd you get the recipe for this?"
"Ah, Seokjin here." Hosook smiled.
Everyone turned to Jin, who blushed a little.
"Ah, madame Hosook, you perfected it." He admonished.
Madame? Jungkook thought. He gripped his fork a little tighter.
"Nonsense. You showed me the best ingredients and ways to use them in Papa Zao's kitchen."
"Ah, you took his cooking clathes?" Chae asked. (A/N Lisp guys. Remember, there's a lisp.)
"Ne. Jin took them too. He was the star pupil. I'm glad we were buddied up so I could learn from a true master."
She smiled at Jin. He smiled back. Dimples and Namsoon sighed dreamily. Tae and Chae rolled their eyes. Bruh thought he could cook too. Yoongi kept right on eating. Jungkook had been cutting some beef and noticed the smiling exchange. At this, he cut down a little too hard and the force caused one of the bowls to fall to the floor, which Cuty happily pounced upon.
"Ah! Cuty no!" Namsoon cried.
"Aish!" Jungkook used his foot to nudge Cuty away.
Hosook swooped down and snatched the bowl right off the ground.
"I'll go get towels." She said, shooting Jungkook a look.
Cuty looked dismayed at being kept away from his food.
"Ah, do you need help, eomma?" Tae asked.
Hosook reappeared with some towels.
"Oh no, my dear son. But thank you." Immediately, she knelt to clean the mess.
"Hey, let me help." Jungkook got out of his chair and knelt too, cleaning up the mess.
Dimples gave Namsoon a look
Your parents are so adorbs!
I know. But also embarrassing sometimes.
Jin is adorbs too~
No, he's not!
Ah, you're blushing. I dare you to call him "oppa!"
Do it!
"No!" Namsoon cried, then froze.
Everyone stared at her.
"My daughter, what's wrong?" Hosook raised her head above the table.
"ARe you ok?" Jin asked.
"Ah, yeah, I was just saying ah, 'no~how can eomma's food be SO delicious?" NAmsoon giggled nervously.
"We literally just went over that." Tae sneered.
"Well, then I didn't hear!" Namsoon snapped back.
"No fighting at the TABLE!" Hosook barked.
The siblings jumped, then immediately looked down at their plates.
Suddenly, the grandfather clock, also a weird present from Yoongi, went off.
"Ah, it's 7." Jin observed
"That means-" Chae started.
"The special starts in an hour!" Namsoon and Dimples squealed.
"We bettah wrap up this meal then." Bruh concluded. "And get ta rapping, ya dig?"
"Oh, I'm digging alright." Tae and Bruh began speeding through their meal. Namsoon and Dimples followed suit. Totally thrown off by this sudden, aggressive behavior, Jin, Chae, and Yoongi simply watched, slowly eating their own food.
Namsoon finished first.
"Alright! Let's get the living room ready!" She then stood, and immediately regretted it. Pain flared from her foot. She wobbled, then plopped back down.
"Idiot! Don't move when your foot still hurts!" Tae chided.
"Don't talk with your mouth full!" NAmsoon shot back.
Bruh finished next.
"You need help, babe?" He asked.
"Not from you." Namsoon rose again, but hissed as her foot flared again.
Dimples finished with a loud gulp and turned to Namsoon.
"Here, let me help."
Namsoon leaned on Dimples, but her tall stature made it hard for the two to stand right. They awkwardly tipped as Namsoon hopped on one leg.
"I can help you to the living room." Jin offered.
"Oh yes, please!" Dimples chirped in, much to Namsoon's dismay. She shook her head, but Jin had already stood from his seat. He edged over and took Namsoon's left arm. He put it over his shoulders, BROAD shoulders (I might add.). Dimples did the same with the other arm, smiling widely at a flustered Namsoon.
His shoulders are so broad!
I know!!
Together the two moved to the living room. Right at the last minute, when they reached the couch, Dimples abruptly let Namsoon go. Namsoon, having no other support other than Jin, fell to his side, desperately clinging to him. This brought their faces close and Namsoon could feel herself getting lost in his eyes.
Their warm brown almost melted her.
"Oh, so sorry! I just need to adjust these pillows for my Nammie!" Dimples enthusiastically set about setting the pillows.
Jin shifted his weight so Namsoon could stand properly. His face was still close to hers though. And she couldn't take the heat.
"Ah! Why don't you set me down over there?" She pointed to the chair were Yoongi had sat.
"Yo, don't even think about taking my seat."
Yoongi had arrived back into the living room, his cold glare on Namsoon.
"There all done!" Dimples arose with a flourish. "Now, let's get you nice and comfy, here Nammie!"
Namsoon turned bright red as Jin gently lowered her on the couch. She had to hold in her breath as his hands slid along her leg to put it into position. Dear lord...
Dimples fluffed the pillows while smiling.
Dem HANDS tho... 😏
Shut. Up!
Once Namsoon lay back comfortably, both Jin and Dimples arose.
"Need anything?" Jin asked.
"'m fine. Thank you." Namsoon sputtered. She shot a quick look at the mirror. Only the reflection of the ceiling a piece of Jin's head greeted her back.
Maybe I did just imagine it...She pondered.
"Alright! I'm here!" Bruh announced, marching into the room.
Sadly, Namsoon and Dimples thought.
Tae finished and stood up. He then noticed Chae still eating. He decided to wait for her. While waiting, he slowly went about putting up some of the food.
"Oh, thank you my good son!" Hosook chimed as she finished her plate.
Her and Jungkook stood to clear the table, leaving only Chae and her plate. Chae's face flushed bright red.
"Ah, sowwy." She mumbled, bowing her head.
Cute, Taehyung thought. He then sat next to her.
"It's ok. Take your time." He spoke softly.
Chae shot him a look and was greeted with warm, chocolate eyes. Her face grew even redder. This time she ate faster and stood as soon as she was finished. She rushed to the sink to deposit her plates and hurried to the living room. Tae followed, frowning in confusion.
"Is everyone ready?" Hosook sang as she danced around Cuty's body on the floor. Since Namsoon took up the whole couch, Dimples sat on the floor along with Cuty. Bruh day on the floor in front of Dimples and scooted over, making room for Chae. Taehyung came sat in front of Yoongi. Jungkook took his love seat and Jin stood up from his chair when he saw Hosook coming.
"Here, madame. Take my seat." He offered.
What is with the madame? Jungkook thought, gripping his armrest.
Hosook waved Jin off. Instead, she plopped herself down right on Jungkook's lap. This caused an arched eyebrow from Kook.
"I think this seat is much more comfortable." Hosook gushed, winking.
Jungkook smirked.
Awww, Dimples thought.
Ewww, Bruh, Taehyung, and Yoongi thought.
Chae blushed.
"Guys, not in front of company!" Namsoon whined.
Jin simply nodded, chuckling and sat.
"Who got the remote?" Bruh asked.
"I do!" Dimples answered.
She then turned on the TV. After a few channels, they landed on the right one.
"Yes!" She cried.
"This is it!" Namsoon declared.
"Alright, as you know, in a few moments, the Halloween special for BTS will start airing and-"
Namsoon and Dimples squealed.
"Yah!" Yoongi called.
"They're announcing thomething, you guyth." Chae stated.
"-lottery. Make sure to check your phone to find the winning code."
"WHAT?!" Dimples and Namsoon grabbed their phones, panicking.
"If you'd been listening, you'd know that they're pulling a raffle online so login and get your ticket." Tae scolded.
"The prize must be lovely." Hosook cooed.
"OMG! My ticket's pulling up!" Dimples squeaked.
"Eomma! Appa! Lend me your phones!" Namsoon begged.
Tae, Bruh, and Chae rolled their eyes. Yoongi closed His. Jin chuckled.
"Aish! Here! Don't break it!" Hosook seethed.
Namsoon gulped, not wanting to remember last time she did. Suddenly, her phones displayed a ticket similar to Dimples.
"Alright!" She proudly declared.
"Mine's up too!" Bruh hollered.
"So is mine!" Tae exclaimed.
He then nudged Chae.
"Come on, You Try."
"O-oh me? Heh, I've never really done stuff like this before." Chae stammered.
"Then don't." Dimples replied.
Chae frowned. Tae shot Dimples a look, before facing Chae.
"Here, lemme see your phone."
Chae obeyed. Tae opened it and typed a few things. After few minutes of typing, he placed it back in Chae's Hands.
Chae looked down. On her screen displayed a purple ticket with numbers and letters.
"Thith the ticket?"
"Yep." Tae beamed at her.
The red creeped back onto Chae's cheeks.
"Guys, they're announcing! Everybody hush!" Dimples squealed.
You hush. Thought Yoongi.
"Alright, here are the winning numbers."
"I hope the prize are fanmeet tickets." Namsoon whispered to Dimples.
"Alright the first number is-"
"Oh my."
"Ayo, who hit the lights?!"
Why does everyone have to be so ddaeng loud?

(Who do you think thought that?😼
Btw, I'm going to try to update more. I honestly forgot about this story but please hang in there! Updates coming!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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