Women Mini Movement

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**Discalmer: I posted this on my Tumblr awhile ago which is why the last paragraph is sort of wierd...

Okay¸ I’m going to say something that I’m sure will piss off a lot of people… Okay, a lot of women, but being a woman myself, I will say whatever I want.

Here it goes.

I really disagree with this new “men should change the way they view women, so women can wear skimpy clothes and not feel uncomfortable with how men look at them” movement.

Allow me to explain…

This mini-movement is a “movement” because it is not an accepted viewpoint by society. And there should be no argument about that. It’s not like men are the only members of society with opinions. According to the Institute of National Demographics, women make up 49.6% of the world population. About half of the entire human population are women.

Anyway, society doesn’t agree with the above mentioned viewpoint for a reason. A pretty good one.

I shouldn’t get ahead of myself though…

Dressing provocatively (showing a lot of skin) is attention grabbing… and not just for men.  If you see a person of either gender out and about and they are showing an amount of skin that isn’t normally shown, you’re going to look. It’s in our nature. Bare skin is a magnet for the human eye.

Next, men are programed to look at a woman showing off her body. They are not being “pervs”… At least, not all of them. They can’t help it. A guy getting aroused when such a situation arises and a woman is dressing provocatively is just going to happen sometimes.

Ladies, you are right. You should be able to wear your crop tops and short skirts with fishnets. No one is going to stop you. But you have to stop complaining about how others look at and treat you. Things are not going to turn your way. It’s just not going to happen. I’m all about feminism¸ but this time, the majority of people do not agree.

Wear what you want, but don’t put blame on men for oppressing you into wearing certain clothing.

Sometimes we have to deal with things we don’t like. This is something you’ll just have to swallow.

Time to wrap up this rant…

I’m sure I’ve supremely pissed off some ladies, but If you’re mad, It’s because you see my point and disagree.

Again, I am a girl. I’m 18  years old. I understand the desire to wear something that makes you feel sexy. But if you think you feel sexy, someone else probably does too. Feel free to let me know how you feel about this post, but please be respectful. I don’t tolerate name calling or any other disrespect directed towards myself or anyone else. If you say something disrespectful be prepared for another rant (directed towards you personally).

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