Escape Plan

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      Hi! I'm Eva and I'm with my bestfriend Syd. Her and I have been friends since we were 4 years old. Now, we're 18. This story is about one of our trips we took together. Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride.

     "Ok, how are we going to get out of here?" I ask my best friend. Currently we are stuck in a white room that has one black sofa.
     "Well, there is a small panel in the door we could probably remove and leave through there." I nod.
     "We just look for a way out and run from there?"

     We both get up and make our way to the door. We start messing with the panel trying to find a way to remove it. Finally we are able to unscrew it with a coin I had in my back pocket. We remove the panel and look down both the sides of the hall.

     "I think we are in a house." I whisper.
     "Yea, I think we are."
     "Which way should we go?" I ask trying to see as far as possible.
     "Right." I nod and crawl out. I motion for her to follow. We both start walking to the right when we hear a little girl's voice.
     "Daddy! The girls are escaping!" She shouts. Syd and I begin running.

     We make it outside with the guy following closely behind. Syd goes to jump the fence while I climb onto the roof. I see the guy coming after me and Syd turn around.

     "Sydney! Run!" She looks at me then runs.

     I continue along the roof trying not to slip. I make it to the edge and jump down landing on my feet. It hurts my knee, but I don't slow down. I'm almost outside the property when I feel a hand around my ankle. I fall face first and manage to catch myself with my hands.

     "Thought you could get away too huh?" The man asks as he grabs my wrist and yanks me up. I wince when we tugs too hard.
     "You were really close to escaping. I was lucky to get your ankle." The man continues to talk. He shoves me back to the house and in the room.

     I sit on the sofa and watch the man screw the panel back on. He then leaves the room and I hear the door lock. I grip the ring on my finger. It's a matching ring I have with Syd. The door unlocks and opens quickly.

     "I've got to move you." I look at him in confusion then he yanks me up.
     "Would you stop? You're going to seriously hurt me." He looks back at me then keeps moving forward.
     "If you're injured you can't fight back or escape as easily." I let out a small gasp.

     He pulls me towards some sort of living room and moves a couch out of the way. I stand there and watch because he shoved me into a corner with no escape except through him. He looks up at me.

     "Help me." I shake my head no.
     "You don't deserve my help." I cross my arms.
     "I said help me." He says through gritted teeth.
     "And I said no." I try to say as menacingly as possible.
"You're not scary." He says with a bored look.

I huff and he just continues working. He opens a small hatch then starts walking towards me. I try to back up but can't. He grabs my arm and starts pulling me towards the hole. He shoves me towards it and I manage to catch myself before falling in.

     "Get in the damn hole." He grunts.
     "No, it's dark and probably full of many bugs and rats." I retort.
     "Get in." He shoves me and I fall in. The door closes and I hear a lock sound. There's a loud noise then it stops.
     "Stay quiet or you WILL regret it." I hear from above. I just shiver and sit down.

About an hour passes before I hear the doorbell ring. There are voices talking a bunch then suddenly footsteps.

"I swear he took us. She should be here." I hear Sydney's voice.
"Miss, calm down we are searching the house." I hear a man's voice reply.
"We were in the room, he has to have a hidden room." She sounds frantic. I'm just about to scream something when I feel something go around my mouth.
"He told you not to make a noise." Then suddenly I'm out.

I wake up in the white room. I sit up and look around. Still empty. I make my way to the door when it swings open. I step back and the man enters.

"Trying to escape again?" I shake my head no.
"Well, I was told you were going to scream. Why didn't you listen?"
"Why would I listen to you?" I sneer.
"Because I'm capable of hurting you." He says as he steps closer. I take a step back.
"I'm capable of hurting you too." I say, then cross my arms.
"Yea? How?" He scoffs.
"Like this." I kick up and hit right in between his legs. He falls over and I sprint.
"She's out!" I hear him shout. I suddenly hear footsteps and take a right turn.

I run into a bathroom and lock the door. I climb onto the toilet and open the small window. I begin to crawl through when I hear the door slam open. I'm almost through when a hand grabs my ankle. I kick until I feel my foot hit something and hear a grunt. I get through and run.

I run for quite a bit when I finally see a giant Costco. (If you don't know what it is plz look it up idk how to explain) I run into the store and the lady at the front tries to stop me, because I don't have my membership card with me. I run to the back of the store and climb up one of the shelves. (They are like warehouse shelves)

I get to the top and hide behind a box. I see the man walking around calmly and looking everywhere. When he walks past I walk to the edge so an employee could see me.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to come down from there." I hear a guys voice ask. I look down and see a younger employee standing there.
"No." I shout back. I look over and see the man who is following me look at me.
"Ma'am please." The boy says. I see an older woman walk over and stand next to him.
"Sweetie, come on down." I nod in defeat and start coming down. I see the man begin to walk over. I climb quick and stand next to the older woman.
"Someone is trying to kidnap me." I whisper to her. She looks at me then nods.
"We are going to have to take you to the back until we can get ahold of your parents." She informs. The younger one looks at her and she just nods.

The lady walks on my right and the boy is on my left. They walk me back to some room and have me sit down in a chair.

"You said someone is trying to kidnap you?" The older lady asks. I nod my head.
"How do you know?" I sigh.
"The guy kidnapped my friend and I. He locked us in his house, but we got out. She was able to escape but he got me again. The police came to search his house but couldn't find me. I finally escaped and now I'm here." The lady's eyes are wide and she just hugs me.
"I'm so sorry sweetie. Mike, have you called the cops?" The boy nods his head and stands in front of the door we came through.

We waited for no more than 5 minutes before the cops arrived. They came into the room and asked me lots of questions. Then, walked Sydney in.

"Eva, you're safe!" She hugs me with tears in her eyes.
"I've missed you so much." I cry into her shoulder.
"I've missed you too."
"Miss, is this the man?" One cop asks while holding the guy who kidnapped us.
"Yes." Syd and I answered in unison.
"We'll take care of him." Then they left.

After that Sydney and I enjoyed the rest of our trip and went home. We told our parents about it and they freaked. Everything was back to normal but I still had this weird feeling it wasn't over.

The End.

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