Speed Run

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       "Alright, thank you guys for coming out here this early. Today we are moving a very dangerous man to a different facility in 30 seconds." My boss spoke. As he finished, the doors to our left opened and out walked a group of swat members with the prisoner in the middle.

       "Everyone to your cars." There was a collection of 'yes sir's and we moved.

      I was in the car with my boss and his second in command. We would be leading the line. Two cars behind us was the vehicle moving the prisoner. This prisoner was a drug lord. He was a well known drug lord too. He's the most dangerous man since Al Capone and Pablo Escobar.

      Everything was going smoothly as we drove through Las Vegas in the early morning. The sun wasn't up and the place was deserted. Everything was great until there was a loud thud. We all turned to look back and saw the van transporting the prisoner being lifted by a crane with a magnet on it.

"Fuck." My boss mumbled under his breathe. He jumped out of the car with his second in command and I following suit.
"Hold your fire!" We all had our guns drawn. The person on top looked around and began shooting rapidly. We all fired back and ducked behind the cars.
"To the roof!" The boss shouted, pointing towards the building beside us. The van was being lifted and brought to the top.
"Go Go Go." The swat Captain motioned for his men to go up the stairs.
"I'll go this way, just in case they go out the back." I inform my boss he nods and sends his second in command with me. We rush to the back and begin looking around.

There were FBI members running around everywhere trying to find this man. The second in command, Drake, and I were looking around in the alley for a sign of anyone. I heard some voices and motioned towards them. Drake nodded and we both moved quietly towards them. I looked around the corner to see a group of similarly dressed men all in orange. What is this? A part of the plan? They all nodded and went different ways.

Drake and I nodded at each other and began moving along the wall. No one was there anymore. We sighed and looked around the alley for any clues. Suddenly a car came zipping in towards Drake. I leaped forward and managed to push him to the side, then got hit by the car. I rolled off the front, clutching my now aching side. I grabbed my gun and went to stand up but couldn't because of my side.

The people exited the car and there stood Santiago Sanchez, the man we were searching for. He was dressed in a nice suit and so were his fellow companions. I raised my gun as one of his men pointed one at me. Santiago tilted his head to the side with an amused smile.

"Put the gun down, or we kill the man." He spoke in a strong Spanish accent. I could understand him well, but it was strong.

I glanced to Drake who didn't have a weapon and looked scared. I set my gun down and held my hands up. Santiago smiled, then nodded. There was a gun shot and Drake was dead, with a bullet through his head. I gasped and reached for my gun, ignoring the pain in my side. The gun got kicked out of the way and a man stepped closer to me. I managed to sit up and scoot back. I tried to stand and was successful, but then was quickly grabbed by two men and handcuffed. How did they move so quick?

"You really are a pretty one. You'll be very popular in Mexico." Santiago smirked and walked back to the car. I tried to get out of their grasp but they were much stronger.

I was shoved into the backseat of the car. Santiago put it in drive and sped down the alley. He drove quickly to a parking garage that wasn't too far away and parked next to a few other cars. I was roughly pulled out of the car and stood up. Parked right next to us was a Corvette ZR1, a very quick car.

"You'll be riding with me." Santiago said smugly, making his way to the car. In any other situation I would be eager to get in this car.

I struggled against the man holding me. I kicked and shoved, desperately trying to get out of his grasp. I managed to wiggle free and attempted run. I didn't make it far before I was tackled to the ground. I struggle beneath the person and grunted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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