2... Lost

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Squirming through the crowd of hurried students trying to get to class,

Jake finally reached his homeroom. He stood outside regaining his breath after pushing through hordes of people that never seemed to end.

He walked into class, which was half empty. The boards were nicely done up with people's science projects and one board was filled with announcements of upcoming events and competitions. The desks were neatly arranged into rows with 4 rows of 5 desks each. The desks had doodles and messages scribbled onto them, their color slowly faded away.

In one corner stood a group of girls, talking about the latest fashion or something. Some kids were sitting at their desks, reading or hurriedly finishing homework. The homeroom teacher soon arrived introducing herself to be Mrs. Jefferson, who was replacing Mr. Underwood, who called in sick that day.

After taking the roll call, the students started to disperse for their respective classes. Before going to his first class, Jake had a stopover at his locker, which was just past on corridor. Jake dumped the books he didn't need into his locker and went towards his next class. After walking past two corridors and with a little guidance from other students, he finally reached Room 8 in time for his first class, Mythology.

The room was old and the walls were old and had mould on them. The desks were old, with splinters of wood sticking out of them. Jake sat down in the corner of the class near one board filled with facts about the Olympics and Sports. Soon the classroom was filled and the teacher, Mr. Worthington walked in.

People took out their notebooks and Jake took out his too, following their lead. Mr. Worthington started teaching the class about this dude called Achilles who got involved in the war between the Greeks and the Trojans. As Mr. Worthington droned on, Jake started to lose interest. The only thing that Jake understood was that this dude's (aka Achilles) mom dipped him in the river Styx to make him immortal, but forgot to dip his heel, because she was holding him by it. He was siding the Greeks. His mom's absentmindedness got him killed when he was shot in his heel by a Trojan. Talk about bad parenting.

After getting through an hour of Mythology, he got to his next class, AP Chemistry.

AP Chemistry was in the lab area on the 2nd floor near Room 14. Venturing into unknown territory, Jake was late for his class after he got lost in the maze of corridors surrounding the lab. After walking into the Physics laboratory by mistake, and finding Room 14; Jake finally reached the Chemistry Lab. He heaved a sigh of relief and walked in, only to find everyone in the middle of an experiment. He apologized to Mr. Woods for being late and Mr. Woods told him to pair up with Sarah. He oh on a lab coat and walked over to the third lab table, where Sarah was seated.

"Hey, I'm Jake. You must be Sarah," said Jake sheepishly.

"Hey.. so you're the new kid,"

"Yup..." added Jake.

After an hour of AP Chem, Jake walked out of class, only to find the guy from that morning standing there.

"You were the punk that saved that kid today. It takes guts to do that. But you just picked a fight that you can't win...."

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