3... Revenge

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The guy had a sinister sort of grin on his face. He had a scar above his right eye and was rather muscular. Jake bit back a nervous laugh, and braced himself for a fight.

They just stood there, there eyes synced together, looking at each other in unison. They stood there glaring at each other for a minute. Just as Jake though a fight could be averted, he got punched in the face. Caught totally unprepared, he felt like he had broken his jaw. His jaw hurt and he saw stars. His vision grew blurry and he threw a punch at the guy, but missed him, and his hand swung wildly finding only the air.

The guy kicked Jake hard in the stomach and he flew back into a row of lockers. His back slammed into the lockers so hard, he felt like he had been run over by a truck. His vision went blank. His body grew limp and he fell to the ground motionless, groaning in pain.

The guy walked away, with his cronies; leaving Jake for the dead.

Jake lay there for a minute or so before Sarah and Max came to his aid.

"That guy is dangerous, don't mess with him," said Max hesitatingly.

"Umm you're Max right? The guy from this morning." Asked Jake, wincing in pain.

"Yup, thanks for helping me in the morning"

"No problem," added Jake.

Sarah and Max helped him get to the nurse's office, where the nurse treated Jake's wounds. He had a bruised back and a bleeding nose, along with a hurt jaw. Sarah helped apply the bandages and Max sat beside Jake, giving him a glass of water.

Soon, Jake was able to walk on his own, and had to get to his next class, Physical Education. He got to the sports field where his batch mates were beginning a game of baseball. Jake took permission from the coach to sit and observe the game for a day. He went and sat on the bench nearby.

"Here it comes ya li'l squirm" said the pitcher as he wound up.

The ball flew out of his hand and into the path of the batsman's swing. A loud 'crack' was heard as the ball connected with the bat. The sound echoed through the foliage surrounding the field and could be heard as far as the school building. The ball flew through the air, into the distance. Just as it was flying into legend, the laws of physics pertaining to gravity took over. A distant 'thunk' was heard as the ball landed on the terrace of the old abandoned school building.

"Jake, please can you fetch the ball for us," asked the coach.

Then, Jake began the long treacherous journey to the old school building, across the other side of the field.

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