Finding him

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I thing his name was Rowan. Yes it was him he pick me up and threw me down and ran me over. I don't know how I lived it but I did but tbh I should've died. I hit and say don't ever say that again you here because you deserve to be here. Do you think God would have made you in this world if you don't deserve to be here? No I didn't think so. Seth and dean walk in and start talking to him.

6 months later

It's been six months later and it's still crazy I'm huge and so sick and also Roman just got out a coma yesterday so we are throwing hom a party  and I'm about to go to the doctor to see what wrong I think I'm pregnant because I'm this big and I have been eating alot. I go to the doctor. Congrats your pregnant with a girl. How do you know the gender though because it's sic months you would have been found out if you been came. But, who's the dad? Oh it Colby Lopez. Ok thank you so much doctor James and I left call seth I tell the truck. Ok calling seth the monitor say.

Becky: hello

Seth: what is it

Becky: seth.... I'm pregnant with a girl

Seth: oh honey that's great

Becky: yea

Seth: ok gtg love you

Becky: love you 2

At home

Ok everyone Roman is outside hot the lights and everyone hide. He walk threw the door we all scream WELCOME HOME ROMAN !! He say thank yall so much now where's the food? We all laugh and I take hom to the food he get everything that was up there and eat it all. I'm so glad everything is back to normal and as far as I'm concerned no one is missing. We alm get drunk until Rowan walk in I run up stair and call the cops they come and arrest him Rowan your under arrest for the run over of Roman reigns anything you say or do will be used against you. Yall played me Rowan say. Yep we did you deserve to be in the electric chair if you as me Patrick and we all laugh as he get taking away. And then we all start back having fun Roman come over to me and seth and say thank yall for everything y'all really care about me and I never knew it. We fo a group hug and we keep dancing. Me and Roman drink out the wine tubes together to see who can drink the longest. I see Becky and Roman so drunk so I help them out by putting them on the couch in the back back back room but I move Roman to the bed instead and then I leave. I see everything so blurry and Becky is on top of me. I push her off and she start kissing g me everywhere and she take off her shirt and mine and then I unbutton her pant and unclip her bra and I suck on her boobs and she put her tongue in my mouth. I squeeze her butt and her boobs and then I touch them again and I rub her boobs. And their get on top of her and say you like that girl as she moan yes. And then we fall asleep naked. I wake up at 4 am Becky put your clothes on. We both do and he take me to the doctor. She is pre with 2 babies and 2 different daddies. I ho in the hall and call seth.

Seth: hello

Roman:seth Becky is pregnant with 2 babies in her stomach one mine and one yours

Seth: it's ok just as long as it wasn't on purpose

Roman: thank you bye

Seth: bye

I go back in the room and tell Becky what seth said.

Becky: I swear I love that man

At home

Seth: Becky you got any names

Roman: how about kenzie rae

Secky: yes perfect

Seth: for you and Becky I was thinking  Layla grace

Boman: yep that's good.

I can't wait to see what the gender is Roman

Roman: you gotta wait 3 months

3 months later

Push one last time big one ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh here's your beautiful baby girl I'll clean her off and bring her back. He leave wait and your other choldnis also a girl. Ok thank.

10 minutes later

They bring her back all clean up and wrapped up and Roman say I'm sorry I have to go catch a taxi and if we aren't at home we are at bayley's house.

Fine then Roman I will catch a taxi

Skip to when she is in the park lot.

Ok she is in the parking lot we gonna scream surprise. She co.e in SURPRISE  we all scream. It's 1 hour and I'm not drinking like usual. And I sleepy all of a sudden so I get on the couch and go to sleep.

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