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Sorry - this chapter has been deleted. See the 'apology' chapter if you would like more of an explanation or are just plain confused because you missed my earlier message.

For the people who have been following Ellie's story, there is a secret chapter that is only available to the people who are following me which I will post in a few days - because they have read the rest of this story, and will understand the reason why - it is for their eyes only. BUT if you read it you are sworn to secrecy. Otherwise you will put Ellie's life in danger. Because things have changed ... readers who have read the first version will know what I mean by this. Otherwise it won't make a lick of sense and it isn't meant to.

The new revised chapters will be uploaded soon.

If you are confused and wondering what has happened due to a certain name change - then please see the 'apology' chapter. If you aren't aware of a name change, then you have nothing to worry about. It means you haven't read far enough for it to be an issue.

Feel free to leave a message in the comment section if you have any questions. Or if you want to whinge and rant and scream ... you totally deserve to be able to do this. Or you can send me a message.

Silverlighters  (revised version as I edit)Where stories live. Discover now