Kirishima and Silent Izuku

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Cop surrounded a building and Aizawa stood next to Mic.

"Alright you mother fuckers!" Aizawa cried "I know your in there! come out right now!" he cried

Kirishima then ran outside holding weed plants and yelleing

"drop the motherfucking plants!" Aizawa yelled

Kirishima looked confused and then dropped the plants then he undid his pants and dropped them to. Izuku walked out to wearing a gas mask

Everyone in the theater was rather laughing their asses off or was so weirded out that they didn't know what to do

"I wonder what I'm doing here?" Kirishima asked

"by the looks of it you look like a stoner!" Kaminari laughed

"this son of a bitch doesn't have a dick!" Mic cried

"he's got a fuckin' dick! he's just got it tucked in!" Aizawa yelled

"Idetifie yourselves motherfuckers!" Mic cried

the bottom of kirishima was blurred out and he turned to the cops, "I'm Kirishima and this is my hedro-lifemate Silent Izuku!" kirishima cried

Izuku just waved to the cops.

"so izuku's mute?" Uraraka asked

"mostlikly or he doesn't talk much" Momo told her

then they were presented with a comic and the voice of todoroki was heard

"don't tell me you guys don't know there a reboot of a movie of a comic you two were the baisis of?" he asked them

the scene then changed and they were in court

"that old ass star-studded peice of shit sucked balls!" Kirishima cried and Izuku nodded in agreement

"sucked asshole too" a police officer sero said

"your honor I object" said a lawyer Ida

"cool! were in this!" sero said

"I'll allow it" said a judge nezu "that movie did suck balls and asshole"

this is so cool!" Mina cried

"we got three days to go to hollywood and stop this movie!" Kirishima said

then the scene changed to inside a house and the two were sitting and Mina was infront of them

"Kirishima I want you to meet our love child" Mina told him

MIna and Kirishima almost fainted when they heard that. Mina grew a huge blush and Kirishima became redder then his hair!

the door opend to reveal a Black girl who was toru.

"I think i need to see a blood test" Kirishima said in shock and Izuku nodded rapidly

"no Kirishima this is our daughter, Jirou" Mina said and Jirou appeared

then Jirou and Toru were outside with Kirishima and Izuku

"can you tak us to hollywood with you?" Jirou asked in sign-laungage and Trou nodded.

"Fuck no man! it's a tough ass nebiorhood!" Kirishima yelled

then Jirou and Toru pulled out knifes

"then esculated quickly!" Mina laughed as did Momo and Jirou

"I haven't said a word, I wonder if I'm mute too" Toru asked herself

"either you take us to hollywood or I stab you both on my front fucking lawn!" Jirou yelled

both Kirishima and Izuku were shocked

"and on that note, we cue the music" Todoroki told the camera

many shots follwed adn some were at comic-con as well as Izuku in a metel suit of armor and being shot at.

Izuku and Kirishima were in the back of a car with Kaminari and Mineta in the front

"I just found out I'm a father but I don't know how to be a dad" Kirishima told the two

Mineta turned to him, "anybody with cum" then Mineta pretended to jerk off into the the air and cum, Izuku whipped off non-exitant seamn of his face "but only love can make you a dad" Mineta said

Kaminari hit his shoulder "how you gonna talk about love when you flinging cum all over the place? thatys shits unseemly bruh" Kaminari finished.

Kirishima and Silent Izuku Reboot

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