Chapter 1: Glimpse Into The Future

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Chapter 0

Before you begin...

Before you begin reading, it is strongly suggested that you read through the previous fanfiction, "Hilda and the Eversing Mirror" as this story contains continuity and spoilers carried over from it.

Chapter 1

Glimpse into the Future

Scene 1

Time: 12:32 PM

Location: [Everse World] Hilbert's House

Joseph was reading the latest issue of Trolberg Daily with its headline simply reading "Cracked Trolberg Wall?". There was also a small pile of snacks ready to load into a bag on the table.

"That's odd. Those walls don't really tend to crack. Unless a baby troll was accidently brought into town again."

Hilbert eventually came through the door, carrying a large mirror.

"Hi dad!" Hilbert called out.

"Um...That's simply a regular mirror right son?" his father asked.

"Nope. It's that Eversing Mirror that was at the Library." Hilbert answered. "The Librarian gave me permission to take it home. He had no use for it."

"Are you simply going to talk to your female self from that other Trolberg?"

"Well, that'll be one of the things I'll do." Hilbert answered. "Luck will have it that she'll bring her's to her house."

"Is there anything else that you plan on doing with that mirror?"

"Mostly just talking to Hilda. In case I ever get bored and need someone to talk to." Hilbert added. "Who knows? Maybe I could get a head start on what's to come."

The boy then went into his room, inside he noticed Leaf simply lying on his bed. The deerfox got excited upon seeing his owner's return and as such began to lick the child's head with glee.

"Heh, hey Leaf. Glad to see you."

Leaf simply responded by continuing to lick the boy's face.

"Thanks for that girl, now if you'll excuse me, I have a mirror to activate."

"Hilbert!" A small voice called out.

"Oh, Alice."

"If you're planning on going to the Everse world, mind if I come along?" Alice asked.

"Why, of course you can." Hilbert answered. "It's just to readjust the activation time to a more convenient one. Hop aboard."

Location: [Normal World] Hilda's House - Hilda's Room

Time: 12:38 AM

Twig was fast asleep on Hilda's bed with her. He woke upon noticing his owner's mirror activate. Attempting to get the girl's attention, he began to bite her hair as simply licking wouldn't exactly do the trick. At first, nothing happened but upon biting the hair a second time, Hilda eventually got up, albeit with a tired look.

*Groan* "What is it Twig?"

Getting up, she noticed that the mirror was active. And upon further inspection, she noticed that the time was way off from the activation time.

Then Hilbert and Leaf suddenly came tumbling through, but then stuck the landing.

"Hilbert? What are you doing here?" Hilda asked. "It's midnight."

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