Chapter 3: Investigations

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Scene 1

Time: 6:03 AM

Location: [Everse World] Hilbert's House

Hilbert got out of bed, patting Leaf after getting dressed.

"Good morning, Hilbert." His dad called out. "How was your time with Hilda?"

"I think I might just give the whole field trip a miss this time." Hilbert explained.

"But, we bought all these snacks for the field trip and you really wanted to go." His dad protested.

"After seeing firsthand what it was like, it's gonna be really boring." Hilbert added as he went to the phone and dialed Dana's home number. Moments later...

"Hello?" The voice called from the phone.

"Hi, it's me, Hilbert. I'd like to speak with Dana."

"Oh, sure. Let me wake her up real quick."

Time: 6:07 AM

Location: [Everse World] Dana's House

Dana grabbed the phone. "Good morning, Hilbert. You excited for the field trip? She asked.

"No, not really." Hilbert answered. "After seeing what Hilda went through firsthand, I'm gonna give a last minute pass on it. When you get there, could you inform Freddie about this?"

"Alright, I will." Dana agreed.

Time: 7:29 AM

Location: [Everse World] Trolberg Streets

Joseph was driving Hilbert to school. They were both silent. But the silence was soon broken.

"Is it really that bad?" Joseph asked Hilbert.

"Yeah. It is." Hilbert explained. "You literally sit in a tent half the time, listening to the so called 'professional' drone on about the most basic facts about the wilderness. But the most exciting part of it was when a Troll attacked us."

Joseph suddenly stopped the car. Hilbert suddenly got nervous that his dad was about to snap. But then he realized that there was just road construction ahead.

"A troll attacked?" Joseph inquired. "But wasn't it broad daylight?"

"Well, the weather did get pretty bad outside."

"There's something wrong there. There's no way that the clouds blocked off enough sunlight for a Troll to roam wild let alone attack people."

"Well, it did have glowing red eyes, kind of like the one that nearly ate Hilda."

"I suppose we can only hope that we don't have any of those."

"We probably will..."

Time: 7:55 AM

Location: [Everse World] Ahlberg School

Joseph's car pulled up with Dana and Freddie standing by the entrance.

"Hey guys!" Hilbert waved to his friends.

"Hi, Hilbert!" Dana called back.

"So, you're aware that I'm not going, Freddie?" Hilbert asked.

"Yep, but our parents wouldn't let us back down from it." Freddie explained.

"Well, that's rough..." Hilbert sighed.

"No worries, thanks to you, we're ready to be disappointed and bored to tears." Dana snarked.

"Oh, you guys can be so funny sometimes." Hilbert giggled. "If only you guys weren't forced to attend this snoozefest."

Hilda and Hilbert and the Red Eyed Troll (Collaboration)Where stories live. Discover now