Chapter 7: Sunset

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Scene 1

Time: 11:19 AM

Location: Hilda's House

Johanna had gotten everyone back home safely before the cops could begin pursuit. Hilbert has been put on the couch. He was hurting quite badly. Alice was distraught and was trying to do what she could to take care of him.

"Are you alright, Hilbert?" Hilda cried.

"It hurts..." Hilbert groaned. "Ooh... it hurts..." Leaf stayed close to him, looking worried.

"You'll be okay!" Hilda encouraged. "... I hope."

"So, are the cops onto us?" Anti-Hilda asked.

"It looks like it." Johanna answered. "But we got away just in time." They were silent for a while. The rain outside grew heavier, and lightning began flashing in the sky.

"Say, Hilda. Do you know by any chance why they kidnapped you?" Johanna asked.

"Well, Vermont thinks I'm being, in a way, held hostage by the Trolls unless I help them attack Trolberg."

"But we saved the Good Trolls."

"We sure did. But they don't know that the Red-Eyed Trolls that attacked us aren't the same as them." Hilda explained. "And they won't listen to me!"

"What are we gonna do?" Anti-Trevor asked.

"Well, he said that the weapon will be unpacked by 5." Hilda explained. "We have that long to figure out what to do."

Then from beyond the sound of rain and thunder, the roar from the wee hours of the morning could be heard.

"Oh no... This is bad..."

"Worst of all, we're boxed in. If we try going outside now, the cops will surely find us." Johanna said. "We can't make phone calls either. The cops could trace it to us."

"I suppose all we can do is lay low for now." Anti-Hilda suggested.

"For once, I guess you're right." Hilda said.

Then there was a knock at the door. Hilda checked the peephole. It was David and Frida.

"Hilda!" Frida cried and glomped her. "How'd you escape?"

"Hey." Tontu waved.

Then they heard a booming sound that didn't sound like thunder. "Close the door!" Alfur called. They closed the door and locked it.

"What's happening?" David ashed

"The Red-Eyed Trolls must be attacking the wall!" Hilda exclaimed as she looked out the window. "I don't know how long that wall will hold..." Then she suddenly noticed a searchlight approaching. She hid before she could get illuminated.

"That was close." She said, hoping for the searchlight to go away, but it wouldn't. "Or maybe not." Within minutes, sirens could be heard approaching. "We need to hide in the Nowhere Space. Now!"

"Nowhere Space?" Anti-Hilda inquired.

"There's no time to explain. Everyone join hands." Tontu instructed. Anti-Hilda seemed reluctant to take hands, but Hilda forcefully grabbed it. The elves stayed behind because they knew they couldn't be seen. It took a bit to get the injured Hilbert up, but they managed to do it shortly before...

"POLICE! OPEN UP!" They jumped into the Nowhere Space upon hearing that. The door was broken through shortly after.

Time: 11:30 AM

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