What's He Doing Here

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   I look around as I lean up against my car. I had friends around me talking. I turn my head to Andrew as he talks about who's racing tonight. Dear old dad. Nice. I smile at the thought. I didn't fault my dad for leaving. He didn't know I existed, so how could he really abandon me? And I understood why he didn't stick around for my mom. She was a liar, a drunk, a druggie and an over all terrible person. 

   My hand instinctively goes up to the scar above my right eyebrow at the thought of mom. She was never a good mother and she let the men she brought into the house do whatever they wanted to me without a care in the world. But I had never thought she'd go as far as that. It hurt that she was able to do it without hesitation.

   "They're here!" I'm brought out of my thought at Xander's shout. I push up off the car and take a few steps forward as I see my dad and his crew pull in. I hear a familiar voice over the crowd and my head snaps up as my eyes go wide. I see Officer Brian O'Conner make his way over to my dad. 

   What was he doing here? Every internal alarm I had was going off in that moment. He couldn't know I was here. I'd be dead meat. I start walking backwards and slowly start to blend in with the crowd. I had to go. Now.

   I ignore my friends as they call out to me and start my car up once I'm in. I start driving without any warning and people scramble to get out of my way as I speed out of there. I look back and see everybody staring at my car as it drives way, including dad and Brian. 

   I turn on the police scanner and see how things are tonight. All seemed quiet and I knew that no one was there, so I started driving in the direction of my dad's house. I liked going into the garage and looking at the Dodge Charger he had in there. 

   I had no idea why he didn't drive it. She was beautiful. I had been here talking with Mia one day when I had seen him come out of the garage. I hadn't even known he was home. I'd thought he was out with Letty. I'd seen the car behind him and had immediately fallen in love.

   They didn't know who I was, but I knew and that was enough for me. I wasn't going to ruin dad's life by adding a daughter into the mix. Brian knew who my dad was, but he had sworn he wouldn't ever say anything to him unless I was dying or something like that. I spent a lot of time with my aunt. I like to think I look that like her. I want as little to do with my mother as possible.

   I park in front of the house and get out. I stare for a few minutes before making my way to the garage and going in. I get in the car and just sit there with my hands on the wheel, my head leaned back and eyes closed. I imagined I could feel the rumble of the car all around my, hear the purr of the engine, smell the gas and exhaust fumes. A smile comes to my lips and I sit up.

   I wanted nothing more than to take it for a test drive, but I knew where to draw the line. I get out and make my way to my car. I loved my car. I had a dark blue nineteen 69 1/2 Dodge Super Bee A12. She was my pride and joy. I'd raced for slips couple months ago and it had payed off. 

   I get in just on time to hear the race come up on the radio. Those idiots already got themselves caught? Aren't they supposed to be good at this? I groan and tear off down the street. I hear them say something about dad and curse. I drive faster and turn down a main road in time to see Brian's car get its back tire shot and the car flip. They roll a bit and come to a stop right side up. I come to a screeching halt right next to them as the police get closer. I lean over and throw the passenger side door open. 

   "Get in!" They don't hesitate. They climb out of the car as fast as possible and get in the car. Dad sits in the front with me and I gulp. I spin around and take off with the cops now right on my tail. I swerve a couple times when they try to shoot out my tire and take as many turns as I can. I make sure to know exactly what road I'm on and keep a mental map of the city in my head so that I know which way to turn and not turn to avoid the cops as they talk over the radio.

   "Loose them!" I glare back at Brian. I knew that he was just saying that because he wanted dad to believe whatever story he's been spinning. He's the only one in this car that would get out of this if we got caught.

   "What do you think I'm trying to do!?! I'm sure doing a better job than you! Where's your car, hot rod?" He shuts his mouth and gives me a look that says we'd be talking later. I had run from the race trying to get away from him and now he's in my back seat as I try to get away from the police with my dad, who was a very wanted man, in the passenger seat? How did this happen!?!? I roll my eyes and go back to the situation at hand.

   I take a left and take a tunnel. I hear them say that they had people on both sides of the tunnel and smirk. I guess they weren't around these parts often, because they didn't realize that there was another way out of the tunnel. I take a right just as we were about to go around the curve that would let the cops on the other side see us. They guys stare at me in surprise and I smirk.

   "Most of the time, cops don't come around here. They don't care enough about the woman and children that are asking for help and there is so much crime that they just don't bother when there's another robbery or something like that. That's their mistake in situations like this. They don't know what we, the people who grew up running and eventually driving, these streets- know. They don't know all the nooks and crannies we can hide. All the back streets and alleys we can take. It's hard to trap someone when you don't know how to set up the trap in the first place." They continue to stare at me and I grunt. "Jesus! Stop staring, you creeps!" They look away and I sigh. "Thank you. We goin to your house, Dom?"

   "Yeah. I need to have a talk with the others." I whistle and grin over at him. That wasn't going to go well.

   "Okay. Sounds good. Where am I dropping you off, hot rod? Harry's?" Brian sends me a small glare before responding. 

   "Yeah, Alex. At Harry's." Dom's eyes narrow as he looks between me and Brian in the rear view  mirror. He doesn't look happy.

   "How do you know where he stays?" In truth, I had known that Brian had been snooping around these parts, I just didn't know he was going to try to get close to my dad.

   "I go to Harry's all the time, Dom. Chill. What's your problem?" I stop in front of the house and I look over at him.

   "No problem. Just wondering why a sixteen year old girl knows where a grown man that she has no business in hanging around lives." I raise my eyebrows, look up at his house, and then back at him. Not gonna lie, kinda getting mad right now. He rolls his eyes. "That's different. You know me. I know you. You hang around here. He doesn't." I glare at him. What right did he have acting like he had some sort authority over me? I mean, he does, but he doesn't know that.

   "You listen here, Dominic Toretto. You have no right to even try to control who I know or hang out with. I hang around here, but not every day. What do you think I do when I'm not here? Sit at home, wondering what you and the others are doing? Uh, no! So you need to shut your mouth before I get really mad." We glare at each other for a moment, before he turns and gets out of the car without a word. He takes a few steps, then turns to look at Brian.

   "You wanna beer?" Brian looks confused, but shrugs and gets out.

   "Sure. Don't wait up, Alex, I'll get a taxi home." I glare but nod and leave. I look back at them as I leave and see Dom start yelling at Brian. That idiot! What is he doing?!? Who does he think he is!?! I groan, but keep driving. At least I knew what that was all about now. He offered Brian to come inside just to be able to yell at him without me around. Jerk.

   I park on the side of the road in front of my apartment building and get out, grabbing my bag. Mom wouldn't be home for a few weeks, so I didn't have to worry about her for a while. That was nice. I walk into my apartment and sigh. I throw my bag onto the couch and head into the kitchen. I grab a can of pop and grab my bag again before going to my room. I collapse onto my bed and pull out my phone. I scroll through some things until I get bored and throw it to the side. I can't stop thinking about everything that happened tonight. Everything that shouldn't have ever happened in the first place. I groan and change into some PJ's before going to bed. It had been a long night.

The Furious Girl (A Fast and Furious Fanfic)-ON HOLD-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant