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   I groan as I hear loud knocking at the door. I cover my head with a pillow and hope that they'll get the message that either no body is home or nobody wants to talk. They don't. They start knocking again and I scream in frustration, grabbing the hair brush that was on my night stand and throwing it across the room in anger.

   "Go away!" I bury myself under a mound of pillows and blankets and am almost back to sleep when the knocking starts up again. Shrieking in anger, I get up and stomp to the front door. I sling it open and am about to start screaming at some poor unfortunate soul when I realize who it is. Brian O'Conner is standing at my front door. I glare and cross my arms, leaning against the door frame. "What do you want?"

   He walks in without a word and I make a sound of outrage. I follow him as he starts walking through my apartment, checking every nook and cranny. 

   "What are you doing, Brian? Get out!" He turns and goes back to my living room with me hot on his heels. He turns and finally actually looks at me and his eyes go wide and red starts creeping up his neck as he coughs and looks away. I look down and my own eyes go wide as I realize I'm still in my pajamas. Those being a skimpy tank top and panties. I run back to my room without another word and get dressed.

  Five minutes later, I walk out in a black tank top with a vampires mouth on it and one fang biting the lower lip with blood dripping from it, a pair of black, ripped hole bandage shorts, black ankle boots, and my hair brushed.

   "Now that I'm decent, what is this about?" I stand in front of him with my hands in my hips. He stands up from where he'd been sitting on the couch and towers over me. I wasn't very tall at five one, so most people towered over me and I hated it. It made me feel weak.

   "We need to talk. Now." I motion for him to go on as I walk into the kitchen. I grab me a can of pop and toss him a beer. He nods and follows me back into the living room. I slouch into a seat on the couch and wait for him to continue.

   "What are you doing, Alex? You know you shouldn't be hanging out with those kinds of people. I thought you knew better than that. You said that you stopped." I roll my eyes.

   "Those kinds of people being my dad and his friends, right?" He gives me a look that says not to go there.

   "That's not what I meant, Alex, and you know it." He stand back from his seat and starts to pace.

   "So what if I do? It's my life, Brian. You need to except that. I'm not your kid, I'm not your wife, and I'm not your problem, so get off my back." I take a gulp of my drink and set it down.

   "You can't tell anybody who I am, Alex. You can't. It'll blow my cover." I raise my eyebrows and laugh.

   "Is that so? And what of I do? You gonna arrest me for your carelessness? You and the people you work with know that Dom is my dad and that I hang around with him and his team. You should have sent someone that I didn't know, so that this wouldn't be a problem." He groans and slumps back into the seat, taking a swig of his beer. I grin at the effect I had on him. I know that I get on his nerves, but I also know that he does care about me.

   "Come on, Alex. Please. This job will make or break me. I need this to go well." I take another sip of my drink and think for a bit.

   "Why are you trying to get in good with my dad? To catch him in the act of doing something illegal? Everyone knows what he does. It's no secret to anybody, but he isn't a bad guy."

   He stays silent and I get mad. I shoot up and send my pop flying.

   "Really, Brian?!?! You really think he's that bad of a guy?!?! He messed up!!! Everyone makes mistakes! He isn't a bad guy! You really want to tell me that the guy that you met deserves to be locked up!?!? Really?!? You're better than that, Brian!!!" I throw the closest thing to me at him, which happened to be another brush, and stomp off to my room. I'm about to slam the door when hands grab my arms and pulls me back. Arms go around me and hold me to a firm chest as I, for reasons unknown to me, start to cry. "He isn't a bad guy, Brian. He really isn't. He just tries to take care of his family." I turn in his arms and bury my face in his chest as my arms go around him. He rocks us back and forth and shushes me. He starts to rub the back of my head as he talks to me.

The Furious Girl (A Fast and Furious Fanfic)-ON HOLD-Where stories live. Discover now