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We started dating the following week and believe me, I never thought we were rushing into things. It took us a full year to reconnect, it was about time I'd say.

Lover boy, scratch that, Tolu, changed my life in diverse ways I never thought possible. He became my best friend, a shoulder to lean on and in most cases, cry on. He made me see the beauty of life even in times of pain. He helped me get closer to God. He was just the best!

I got the job and had my own source of income where I helped my parents in spreading their business far and wide. It wasn't just travelling transactions to Italy alone, it covered the whole of Europe and Asia. I had my Master's degree in Switzerland, Instead of Italy which my parents wanted.

I created a little foundation in honour of my late highschool friends. It was a foundation that catered on enlightening teenagers and young adults on the dangers of hard drugs, wild parties and reckless living in general. It made me find peace knowing that I could save thousands of people.

At the moment, I had no idea if Tolu was going to propose to me anytime soon (although I would say yes in a heartbeat). I knew we were destined to be together. We had God, love and the euphoria of being together.

It was enough for me!

I had all I ever wanted; A family, a good job and a man I had fallen so deeply in love with. I couldn't help but bask in that day we met.

It marked the beginning; The beginning of forever!

                   The End

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