●Chapter six●

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Monday 5:45pm

Your POV

We sat on our seats,looking at the menu that was given to us by the waiter.'i still cant believe he's the son of the
owner of this cafe!'i thought then took a glance at him. He noticed that I was looking at him, then smiled. I quickly looked away, emberassed ,then continue to look at the menu, not sure what to order.

"Sooo,have you decided what to order?"Luis asked me,smiling.

"uhmm, not yet,all of the choices looks so good!..and expensive" you replied,whispering the last part. He looked at me then chuckled.

"what?" I asked,curios of why he was chuckling."Oh nothing, just hurry up and choose what you want to eat, the waiters comming"he said,pointing at the same waiter earlier,that was walking towards us.

"is master luis and his lover~ ready to order?"the waiter asked us,smiling.

"umm, I'm not his love-"before I could finish my sentence,luis cutted me out by putting his hand on my mouth.'what the hell?' I thought.

"me and my lover would like to have the most expensive, and most delicious dessert on the menu" Luis said,his hand still covering my mouth. The waiter nodded then left, with the menu's.

I removed his hand on my mouth, then glared at him."what the heck? I'm not your lover!" I spatt at him,clearly angry.

He chuckled,"awe C'mon,its not like it's a big deal,and besides,the waiter is the only one who know's that you're my 'lover'." he said,smirking.

I rolled my eyes,"whatever."I said.

"You know (Y/N) you're kinda cute~" he said,Seductively. I immediately turned red.'that was straight forwarded of him'o thought."I'm not cute!" I shouted at him,blushing.

People started looking at me,i immediately cover my mouth,then looked down,still a blushing mess.

"whatever you say,cutie~"he said,winking at me.

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