Aislings Diary: A New Chapter

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Aisling Louise Fitzsimons

Dear Diary,

This is the end of yet another year and the time has come for me to place you into the box of completed Aisling’s diary adventures.

When I pulled out my diary box I decided to take a browse through all of my memories throughout the last few years.  I can’t believe it’s already been two years since I moved from my home in Brooklyn.  When I first moved here to Dublin Ireland it felt like the end of the world, leaving all my friends and everything I knew behind.

Luckily I was fortunate enough to meet three amazing people who made the big move 100X better. Those three are my two best friends Siobhan and Ali and my amazing boyfriend Murphy. With them by my side I’ve been able to conquer anything and everything put in my path.

For example, last summer I went to the Sunny Southeast for a supposedly laid back relaxing summer in a high luxury hotel. It turned out to be a busy summer bringing the hotel to life. When we showed up there the hotel was run down and not opened for business. When we left it was one of the most sought out hotels in town!

That summer was the summer I found out that I could actually cook! Before, me plus cooking was a silly thought, maybe even scary. Not anymore though, now I’m pretty good at it if I do say so myself. I started saving immediately and experimenting with classes and, now experimenting with classes I’ve decided that that is the career path I want to take. So, I decided to apply at Tante Marie Culinary Academy in England.

Unfortunately, I got the application out a couple days late. I highly doubt that I’ll be accepted in this year because of that. It was definitely a very bad first impression, but there’s always next year right? Perhaps this year will just be the year to save up money to pay for the course in case I get accepted next year. It’s a whopping £19,500.

So far I’ve saved about £6,700… Only £12,800 to go! Oh man that’s a scary thought. I guess if I actually buckled down and tried to save the money I could do it. I’ve actually been spending a lot more then what I put away; I haven’t really been trying to save since I know I won’t exactly make it in this year. Oh well, I’ve still got a year to save right?

Anyway, this year has been fun! I’ve finally graduated from high school, I’ve still got the most amazing friends and family, and by the end of this summer I’ll be officially eighteen and ready to start a new adventure.

I’m excited to see what this New Year will bring! Whatever happens I know it’ll be fun.

Oh, and of course, most likely hard too.

Aislings Diary: A New ChapterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora