The Final Month

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Saturday 11 August


“Well, I’ve lost all hope now of going to my school.”

The baker looked at me in surprise, “why you’ve raised so much money?”

“I’ve barely been able to get a hold of Siobhan the last couple of weeks. It’s like she just backed out.”

“Maybe she’s taken on to much at the moment. Just because she isn’t able to help you doesn’t mean you should give up though Aisling.”

I sighed of course she’s right but still it’s like Siobhan has just disappeared and I have no idea how to raise money!

“Why don’t you have a little fair?”

I looked at her curiously, “Like what?”

“You could have your friend Ali do a magic act, have apple bobbing, pop the balloon stands, and you could give out little stickers or stuffed animals for prizes. I’ll even donate the treats.”

That doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea. I still had some things left from the garage sale I could hand them out as prizes and there are plenty of things I could get for cheap. “That’s a great Idea!” I told her. Now I can’t wait to run the idea by Ali and Murphy!

Tuesday 14 August


Needless to say Ali and Murphy thought it was a great idea and we started preparing immediately. Signs have gone up everywhere and people were donating toys we could give away as prizes. We have a pop the balloon stand, fishing stand, ring toss stand, spin the wheel gambling stand for the adults, black jack, photo taking, a treat section the baker will run and an entrée section Murphy and I will be in charge of. We will be having the fair on the 30th.

Siobhan’s still been too busy to get involved… Makes me wonder just how much she thinks of our friendship. What could be so important and secret that she would just back out of the project she started.

Sunday 19 August


Dad just finished all of our gaming stands! With a little paint and some imagination this is going to look great! Rory and I are going to start and Ali and Murphy will be by later to help me finish them. The fair day is coming up so quickly I’m so nervous!

Thursday 23 August


Siobhan just called and said that she was informed that we could use the Hall free of charge for our fair! That saves us so much money!

Oh, and Siobhan is still on the secretive side… She called to let me know that and that she is sorry for not being around but she is still very busy. She didn’t tell me with what of course…

Sunday 26 August


The big day is approaching so quickly now. All we have left now is set up. Volunteers are ready, stands are painted, Ali has an amazing show planned, and Murphy and I have our menu planned. With all the donations from everyone I’ve only spent £300 on all the material for this fair! I’m so exhausted though.

No sign of Siobhan still…

Monday 29 August


I had a long day at work and then a long day setting up for the fair. This place looks amazing though! I can’t believe its already fair day tomorrow.  Time to go home and rest up now, tomorrows going to be a busy day!

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