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I woke up on a cold, fall morning for school. It was a dreadful morning but I knew it would overall be a Good Friday.

I jumped out from my bed and pulled on my skinny jeans from buckle, combat boots, grey tank top, and a dark cardigan. I started up my hair wand and did my makeup while I waited for my wand to be heated up.

"Are you up Paige?" I heard my mom ask.

"Yup!" I exclaimed begginning my hair. I heard her footsteps go back down the stairs.

I heard my phone go off.

Text Message from Cody.

Cody was my best friend since Pre-K.



Our parents knew one another from where they work.

Cody- You almost ready?

Me- Yeah, You here I'm guessing?

Cody- Yes and I'm bored.

Me- I'll be out soon.

I set my phone down and finished my hair. I grabbed my school bag and my phone in hand as I rushed down the stairs and out the door to Cody's truck.

**Skip to the end of the school**

I was grabbing my books from my locker until my boyfriend, Cameron, halted me. He scared me.

"Is Cody alright?" he asked me. I looked at Cameron with a weird look.

"What do you mean..?" I asked him shutting my locker. He put his hands into his pockets.

"He just seemed...off." Cameron stated giving me a look I've never seen him give me. I shrugged.

"I'm sure he's alright, I'll talk to him on the phone tonight." I smiled to Cameron, he smiled at me.

"I sure hope your right." he said to me.

"I know he's okay." I whispered to him, He nodded and was quiet.

"I love you." he whispered to me, interlocking hands as we walked out from the school to his car.

Once we pulled into my driveway, we sat in silence.

"Are you okay?" he asked me. I looked at him and smiled.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked him. He just looked me in the eye with that one same look.

"I should be asking myself that question." he sighed, smiling to himself. I turned my body to face him.

"Baby..Whats the matter?" I questioned him, grabbing his hand. He sighed.

"Paige.. it's nothing." he huffed. I looked at him deep in the eye.

"Why don't we go inside and we can talk, okay?" I asked him. He nodded. We got out of his truck and walked into my house.

My mom usually isn't home until later. She is a police officer, her partner is Cody's mom, Stacey. They're literally the most determined partners I've ever seen in my life to be honest.

As for my dad, he's passed away. He passed about 2 years ago, during my sophomore year. I'm a senior now, so it's been difficult, but I've pushed along.

Me and Cameron walked hand in hand up into my bedroom. I sat down on my bed, Cameron followed.

"What the matter?" I asked him.

"I just..I don't know." he huffed laying back on my bed. I dropped my head.

"Is it Cody?" I asked.

"No." he said clearing his throat.

"Hey, I'm going to call Cody. Just think about it okay? Gather yourself together?" I said to him. He nodded. I pulled out my iPhone 6 and dialed Codys phone number.

"Hello?" I heard his deep voice that I loved.

"Hey, Cody, I have a question for you." I asked standing up and walking from the room.

"Yeah Paigers?" he asked. Paigers was my nickname he gave me in the 1st grade. Since then, it stuck.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He was silent.

"Why wouldn't I be?" he replied. I sighed.

"Cameron just thought you were..different today. Whats going on Cody?" I asked him again. He was silent.

"Paige, I'm okay!" he raised his voice slightly. I remained silent.

"Okay." I sighed.

"I have to go." he said then hung up. I slowly brought my phone back to my pocket then made my way back to my bedroom where Cameron was.

"Cam?" I asked. He groaned.

"Can you please cuddle with me?" I asked him. He sat up and nodded. I walked over to his arms and snuggled up against his chest, he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you Cam." I whispered.

"I love you more, Pay." he whispered back.

Something isn't okay.



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