9 - Betrayal

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          Deep darkness. A little child laughing at his mockery within the distance. A dim light shines upon the desperate, the wounded soul, the one who wishes for the truth- or revenge. Lost, the wanderer seeks the one who brought him this oppression. No destination was to be reached. He wondered whether he should seek the destination. A death, a betrayal, the one he wanted to save this whole time, it was all a question mark. There were no answers, only plot holes that widened the potential. Footsteps echo, a drip of water creating a dynamic wave on the surface, nothingness spreading through his mind. Filled with sorrow, regret- why? What is really going on?

          His eyes slowly opened, a shriek of pain invaded his entire body before fading into nothingness. He grumbled, coming back into reality as his hand reached forward toward the handgun that laid helplessly ahead of him. His hand grabbed it, his eyes, finally fully realizing his vision, spotted an iron door just ahead of him.
          He stood up slowly as he grunted in pain, bringing the gun up with him as he looked toward the door.
          "What's waiting for me next, huh?" He muttered sarcastically to himself as he walked forward to open the door.
          But the iron door was locked with a note taped to the very top of the door frame. Vince slowly took the note, separating it from the door from and bringing it closer to him, reading it.      
          The truth you seek is behind this door. Everything you desire, the whole reasoning for your very existence. It all lies behind this door. But I must truth that you truly want to know the truth- or that you can handle the truth. I don't want you to get mad, or sad, or to do anything drastic. I just want you to accept it. Though, the door remains locked because I am unsure of your reaction.

          "I... I want to know..." Vince whispered, he clutched his tight fists and punched the iron door with all of his might, "Let me through, damn it! I don't care what's behind this door! If it means that I can save you, then I am willing to take on anything!"
          With more strength than his body could produce and the acceptance of anything he might find, he was able to push through the strong door. His body fell through, on top of the broken door as he gasped from the pain. Slowly, he stood up again on his feet and glanced into what lied in the room. The room was fairly small, smaller than he thought it would be. A small square, he even felt claustrophobic just looking at the dark shadows that hid at the corners of the room, hiding away from the small dim lantern that hung from the ceiling. He was confused as to what was supposed to be in the room, what was this truth?
          He quickly turned around and noticed that the door frame was gone, replaced by the black, rotten brick walls that the room was made of entirely. There was no way to escape this room now. Hesitant, he turned back around to the room after he heard the faint sounds of weakened breathing and gurgling sounds. Two females, presumably replicants of Sophitia who had the long black hair that covered their faces, letting their head hang to cover most of their nude bodies with the exception of the bottom of their legs and their bare feet. Vince was disturbed to find that their skin was a dark blue, almost like their skin, or their bodies lacked the amount of life needed to provide the appropriate pale color of the original Sophitia's beautiful skin. A dark aura roamed around their bodies as if the two were beings of hell themselves that had come onto this Earth to seek mental abuse amongst the living. 
          In the middle of the two, a small table with a rather large book laid still under the lantern's divine light. The book caught Vince's interest, though he was hesitant to approach due to the two replicant Sophitia's standing there with him. He took a step toward the book, hearing their weak breathing and the occasional gurgling sounds grow more rapid, almost like they were growing angry, or repentant the more he approached them. But their bodies refused to move, not even an inch. His eyes stayed glued to the two, showing his alarmed state, but once he stepped just in front of the book and noticed that the two still hadn't moved, his defense lowered.
          His hands slowly grabbed the book, pulling it upward to get a better glance at the cover. The book was called Betrayal, and it looked as though a child drew the art herself. Soon, Vince's head started to hurt. It was a migraine he had never felt in his entire life. It was like an entirely different heart breathed in his brain, beating a heavy and rapid tone. His eyes opened once he grew slightly used to the pain, noticing that the two replicant Sophitia's had both looked toward him, moving their heads as his eyes had shut. They were like statues, it only creeped him out more so.
          He slowly opened the book, reading out the words, "Dedicated to mommy and daddy..."

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