Ending B - Deep Ruin

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But I am alone. I made it that way, and I intended on it. Why would I want anyone to suffer along with me? All I am was just a burden, a burden to the one I loved. I could see it in his face every time he saw me. That face of pure delight he had before was quickly replaced by a look of depression. He was disappointed in me everyday; he didn't have to say it, or even express it. I could feel it. There was no love anymore, no compassion. It was like I was forcing him to be with me, to love me, to support me, to carry me on against my cons. I-... I couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry...

          Trinity walked amongst the thick fog that surrounded her. There was nothing in sight but a bleak spot of light that was within the fog. She attempted to reach this light, but it just seemed like she was walking for hours, or even days. The wind blew heavily, sounding off a loud woo echo within her ears. Her bloodied arms hugged her weak, shivering body as she stumbled in her steps. Each step was soft and unsteady, her bare feet moved along the water that was spread along the flooring.
          Though, before she knew it, she heard a sound behind her. Slowly, she turned around to find Tatum standing there. He didn't look malevolent or anything, it was just how he looked when she last saw him along.
          "T-... Tatum..." Trinity spoke weakly as she stepped toward him, reaching one of her arms out towards him.
         Once her wandering hand would make contact with Tatum, her hand just went through him, as if he was translucent, a spirit. Her eyes stared down at her hand that was through Tatum's chest. Her eyes widened and she began to sob, now trying her best to caress his cheek.
          "It won't work." Vince said from behind, immediately getting her attention.
          "Why...?" Trinity asked, now looking back at him.
          "Isn't it obvious? He's dead." Vince answered, chuckling as he approached her slowly, "Because of what you did, you're now alone. This fog, this nothingness, this is what you brought upon yourself."
          Trinity held herself uncomfortably, "What do you mean...?"
          "Trinity, you've known the truth this whole time, but you continue to refuse it. You've tried so hard to forget it, because you just can't move on. You know about the death of Tatum, you know about Sophitia and myself and the story. Your mind is demented, it isn't suitable to survive."
          "I... I know..." Trinity answered with a whimper in her voice, feeling her body begin to shake uncontrollably.
          "Then do something about it. That is the only way you can repent your sins. I know how you feel. The guilt kills you more and more every day, along with your already apparent disorders. Your lonesomeness, your depression, your paranoia. You should just off yourself, you can't possibly think you deserve to live, right?" Vince spoke as he stopped right in front of her, his voice growing darker and more distorted the more he spoke.
          "Maybe... Maybe you're right..."
          "Of course I am. I am your inner self, I'm just telling you stuff that you already know."
          Once Vince stopped talking, Tatum and him grabbed Trinity by the arms and forcefully dragged her further into the fog, though in the opposite direction of the dimmed light she had been trailing for a while. After a great distance of walking, Trinity stopped her resisting and allowed herself to be brought more into her inner darkness. The environment grew darker and the fog grew heavier, giving her a more massive migraine.
          A lone tree appeared from within the fog, where the two had stopped and dropped Trinity. Vince scoffed and nodded his head toward Tatum, ordering him to push her into the tree and tie her down with some rope that had been laid down near the tree.
          "What... What are you doing?" Trinity asked as she watched Tatum tie the rope around her stomach, circling it around the tree and tying a tight knot that would hurt her a bit.
          "Bring you what you wanted all along." Vince answered, watching.
          "Tatum... I'm sorry." She whispered to him emotionally, seeing him stop to look at her, "I know, you must be so mad that I did that to you. I'm still trying to accept that I did that-"
          Before she could continue speaking, Tatum would slam her across the face, turning away to walk to Vince.
          "There's nothing you can say that'll change anything. Isn't that what you said before, when you killed him?" Vince asked.
          "I thought there was some way I could-" Trinity tried to ramble on as she began to cry again.
          "You might as well shut it. You killed him, didn't you?"
          Trinity shut her eyes and looked down, taking a few seconds to nod her head, "... Do it..."
          "Hm?" Vince questioned, raising his eyebrow.
          "I don't deserve to live. I killed the only person who was there for me during my darkest times. Even though he was betraying me, he didn't deserve to die. I killed him even though I still loved him... That's unforgivable. So, do it."
          Vince sighed and looked at Tatum who was beside him. Tatum stared at Trinity for a few moments before sighing himself and turning away, walking into the thick fog to disappear forever.
          Vince grabbed a canister of oil and approached Trinity, looking at her for a few moments as her eyes were closed. He poured the oil all over Trinity as well as the tree, drenching her in it before taking a few steps away. He stared at her, her body was full of blood; as if the oil he poured on her took the form of blood in this world. He sighed again as he took out his box of matched and flicked one against the box, lighting the single match in fire. His eyes blinked, soon flicking the lit match toward Trinity. He watched as the tree instantly engulfed in flames, flames that took the size of the entire tree. Trinity screamed loud as she was being burned alive. He wasn't able to see her too much through the flames, but he could see that her skin was turning black as a result of being burned. Her screams were fading weakly, until it disappeared, making him assume that she was dead.
          His head dropped once her scream disappeared, disappearing himself into the heavy fog as the smoke only seemed to merge with the heavy fog. The flames soon faded away, showing the burned tree. Trinity's body was reduced to a skeleton with very little flesh attached to her bones. Her left leg had fallen off, dropping to the ground as her skeleton head with one drooping eye tilted to its side as the heavy winds pushed against her.
          The lights were turned off, and her window sill was opened wide to reflesh the moonlight into the living room. The full moon was shown outside the window, and the heavy winds pushed against the glass window, threatening to break in every blow. The room was quite, besides the sound of Trinity's feet brushing along the carpet beneath her. Her head lent down as the noose that hung from the ceiling held her in place above the ground. The wooden chair was kicked to the ground, and the noose that held her rocked back and forth, showing signs that she had commited suicide recently. A picture of her and Tatum laid on the ground as well, with a few spots of blood stained on the glass.

(Her) Divine PunishmentHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin