*Proud Moment*

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Not really but here we go (again.)

This is a story that happened today and honestly can't get it off my mind. So we have this thing called ALEKS or something in my school. Everyone said it was hard and stuff. We had to take a "Knowledge quiz thing." Shoot this sounds like I'm uninterested... OH well. It basically tests how much of the grade you are in you know. My math teacher said if we got a low score that's fine because the year just started. My grade before teacher, bless his heart, prepared us a little for this year.

So some of us got low scores and stuff like that. The guy next to me who's pretty smart got like 30 something%. I thought amazing good job.

We had the opportunity to skip questions. But me, being the stubborn person I am, loathed to skip. So I went through them. I guessed some and sis I felt like She-Ra. I put the goal to be 75%. Why? Cuz that's the lowest score you can get on a test and pass. I put that goal for myself for things I didn't know the borscht about.

Guess what your sis got?




One freaking away from my goal. I was disappointed in myself. I got 74% in this I don't mostly know. I should've been proud. But no, I can be satisfied with myself. I wanted to get a 100%. I showed my teacher and she said Well good job. And me, also wanted praise like the horrible person I am, was like 'gurl... I freaking aced the quiz.' How many conflicting thoughts do I have in my head?

I had to pass it on like nothing happened. Why? To show dominance, it's just something I do. Plz don't judge me.

Anyway that's it... for now I guess.

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