Hmm yes: A Tag Remake

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@nightsky077 tagged me bois :)

1. Full name?
***** Jazlyn *******

2. Age?
fUCkIn 13 bItcHes

3. Height?
5'6 you mortals

4. Single or taken?
Taken by a hot noodle

5. Favorite Color

6.Crushing on anyone?
hmmm interesting predicament I've landed myself on here... but would he count tho?

7. What grade or year?
2020 bitches

8. Any pets?
Yes, a doggo

9. Dogs or cats?

Oh shit- I have no favorites so-

10. Democratic or Republican

Guys I think Athens taught us what democracy was, let's be civil and choose what cookie flavor we getting at the store.

11. Favorite TV shows?
Well I don't watch tv. But would My Hero Academia count?

12. Favorite Holiday?

13. Sexuality?
Your bitch DOnt know, bi probably with a more attraction to wahmen but I dunno.

14. Weight?

No comment.

15. Gender
I have no fucking clue, like I feel like both idk? Still like to be feminine and shit but also a buff dude and shit.

16. Favorite accounts?
Uhhhh if you mean by my own accounts then my Wattpad, Reddit, and Discord

17. Something you're good at?

Cooking its nice.

18. Something you're bad at?
Letting go of shit, like when I get angry it ain't fucking pretty. And also I swear a shitton as you can see so that's something.

Ima tags some people if you guys don't wanna do it that's fine.

If 5 of you guys reading this wanna do it go ahead-

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