Meow 1

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Peter's POV

"I am a neko!" I yelled as I ran around on the roof.
"Spidey stop freaking out."
"You not the one with new appendages such as a cat tail coming right out if your butt!" I yelled as I continued to panic.
"Peter it's fin we'll look for a cure until then you have to stay close to the tower." Said Pops as he tried to coax me down with coconut cookies.
"What will everyone say when they see me and how will they react-" I asked as I sat on Pop lap eating the cookies."How did it even get to here!?"
"I know you want to freak out Pete, but you need to calm down." Said Dad as he looked at how stressed I was.

Steve's POV

"Pete well help you get through this ok?" I said as I pat his head, he leand into my touch and started to prr, so I kept petting my son's head as he purred.

Suddenly I heard soft snores through the purring.
"Umm... Pete?" No answer so I picked him up and put him down on the couch and went to talk to Tony.

Spider Cat PeterWhere stories live. Discover now