Cat Sitters

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Iron Fist's POV

As soon as we got out of the portul, we were met with a rich looking man with a glowing circle on his chest and a very broad chested man with blond hair looking nurves.

"Are you sure we can trust them what If 'spidey' gets hurt."
"Steve, hun they work for SHIELD and there heroes they won't hurt him, because then they'll have to deal with me and you ok?"
"Ok I just hope there nice."
"Well there still unconscious so as soon as they all wake up we will set boundaries and rules in place."

Tony's POV

Soon they were all up and asking questions like, 'who are you' and 'why/how are we here' me and Steve answered with.
"I'm Tony Stark-Rogers aka Iron Man and this is my husband Steve Stark-Rogers aka Captain America and you are in the Avengers tower here to help us with our son."

"Is your son dangerous?" Asked the boy in green and yellow.
"Yes and no, underoos is me and Steve's adorable adopted son, he is an avenger already, has bin to space, could defeat all of us avengers, but he wouldn't do that unless he needed to, plus we are one big family to our little spider, also don't attack Loki, you will see him around but he is here to protect spidey, we have to go on a mission over sea's and can't risk spider-man's safety for he is the one person that brings meaning to our lifes, and if you hurt him in any way we will hurt you violently." I said as I began to walk away.

Steve's POV

I watched as Tony walked away from the terrified teens.
"Sorry, about that,"I said as I walked over," Tony is very cautious when it comes to spidey sence just last year we almost lost him to a villain, and right now were having a little problem with a poshen effect making everyone a little... on the edge, he-"
"Pop's?" Came a tired voice from behind me, so I turned around to see Pete in his spider-man suit with with his mask on, but rolled up a bit to show his mouth and an over sized black hoodie over top the suit, with the hood up.
"Who are you talking to?"
"Ah P-spidey I'm talking to some heros in training from another spideyvers, these guys help there spidey on missions."
"W-wow cool, I would ask you questions, but I'm still tired. *nyawn*" Peter yawnd, showing his sharp canine teeth.

Nova's POV

'Dam this spidey is younger and stronger then our spidey and us. But what's with the fangs?' I thought as I looked him.
"I'm just going to get a a drink and go back to sleep ok pop's?"
"K Queens." Said Cap as he got up from the coach.
"And you guys should get used to this place 'cause you four will be staying here till we come back." Said captain America as we followed him down the hall Iron man went down.
"Wait so were here to babysit spider-man?" Asked Powerman as he walked in front.
"If you put it that way, then ya kind of, except you are watching an over energetic teen with super human power's."
"What even is his name!?" Asked White Tiger.
"Not mine to tell, spidey will when he's ready."
"When he's ready? Your his parents, you can tell us."
"Actually they won't tell without spider-mans permission." Said a man in a purple shirt in front the elevator.
"Ah Bruce, how are you? Did you find anything on the purple potion used on spidey?"
"I'm good and no I haven't, I'm sorry."
"It's alright Bruce as long as you get a good night's sleep down there too."
"WHY IS THERE A CIVILIAN HERE!!!" Yelled white tiger as she pointed at the man with the purple shirt.
"Um actually I'm an Avenger."
"Ya right and I have a metal hand."
"Um actually I'm not lying , have you herd of the hulk?"
"Yup, big green guy." I said as I looked unamused.
"I'm his other side, his 'puny' human side, known as Doctor Bruce Banner."
"He's also one of our top scientists here at avengers tower." Said cap.
"Shut up, what does he do?" Asked white tiger
"Gamma radiation, it's how, I became the big guy in the first place.-"
"DAAAAAAADDDDDDD POOOOOOOPPPPPPP'S HE'S BACK, THORS BACK FROM IRK AND NEED'S HELP!!!" Yelled a voice from down the hall, as Mr.Roggers and Bruce ran down the hall to see a seriously injured Thor and a scaried Spider-man trying to help up the god of Thunder by putting thors arm on his shoulders.
"Oh god what happened."
"Thank you man of spiders, and as for what happened I was attacked by them for nothing."
"Should we take repercussions?"
"The planet is to far off, it would take to long to get there."
"Then we'll tell the Guardians and let them handle it for now we need to help thor." Said spider-man as Captain helped carry him to the infirmary.
"What happened to my brother now?"
"Loki! I got blown out of the sky."
"What did you do?"
"That's the thing I did nothing this time."
"I'm glad your alive then."
"Thank you brother."
"What's happening! Who's that!"
"This is our thor he got stuck on a planet and got his hair cut there."
"And who are they?"
"I'm Nova, hes powerman, she's white tiger, and that's Iron Fist. We're from another dimension."
"I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but is that a bucket on your head?"
"Pfft!" "Yup that's a spidey alright." "Ha! Even here!" "Why, just why do people think it's a bucket!"

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