Help Wanted

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Tony's POV

I didn't want to worry Steve to much, but we had to leave fo a mission in two day's, so once Steve was done coming down Pete, I decided to tell him.

"Hey hun?"
"Nick just called and we have to go on a month long mission in England two days from now and because of his current situation and state, Peter can't come with us and none of the avengers can watch him because there all coming with us and I don't trust Loki enough with our baby boy."
"Well then what are we going to do?!"
"I have a plan to get 'outside help'." I said doing air quots.
"Outside help as in Nick?"
"Sort of, outside help as in nick from another spideyvers."
"The thousands of Spider-Man universes, you know the ones with different Spider- men and women?" I said as I mapped it out with a hologram.
"Oh... ya I remember Pete and Strange talking about it."
"Well we are going to ask Dr.Strange for help actually."

Elsewhere in the Ultimate Spider-Man universe:

Nova's POV

'Spidey is somewhere in the spideyvers doing who knows what, the avengers are stopping an alien invasion on Jupiter, and everyone in SHIELD is trying to get the tesuraked back.
Only one actually here is us and Nick, but he's in a call right now.'
"Guy's I have a mission for you."
'I thought to soon.'
"You are going into the spideyvers to the super family AU to help them out with there Spidey, how your getting there is easy, but helping the captain America and the Iron man there will be trickier, so be ready for anything." Said Nick as a portal opened up.
"And theirs your ride, go through and talk to Steve and Tony on the other side." Said Nick as he pushed us through.

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