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"Emery Ann Scott, come here now!"

Ugh. Seriously, mother. This is literally the millionth time today she's yelled at me and I just got back from skipping school. Although, her anger doesn't stay long, it usually subsides as soon as she sees her angel of a son, Auden. He somehow managed to get in between a mother and her daughter and defuse the temperamental teen and time ticking bomb.

But, not today Satan. No. He's an angel who actually liked that place.

"Emery Scott, you better hurry up" she scolds once again.

I roll my eyes and sigh walking to the kitchen, "yes, Theresa?"

Oh, why do I even bother defending myself? I just dig my own grave by even calling her that. My father doesn't even get away with it. So, why do I try?

She stares at me and I swear I see her left eye twitch slightly. I want to laugh but, at the same time I want more than anything to leave this conversation alive.

My mother closes her eyes, inhaling and exhaling deeply while mumbling something under her breath that kinda sounds something like, "fuvking Hardin and his whole entire fuvking being ruining my children." She breaths deeply once more before focusing back on me.

"How did you get home?" She asks.

And I reply with my usual sarcastic explanation, "uh, well I walked with the limbs that are attached to my hips all the way to my father's, your lover's, car. You know the big metal contraption, then with light conversation we made it home. That's where we are now, so..."

Then, the stink eye. I know it's bad to expect the way of the scolding, but I can't help it. I was born this way.

I think.

"Oh, little miss Scott, you have no idea how mu-"

As she was interrupted by a deep hearty laugh, we both look over to see my father walk in through the back door and take station by the archway.

Even in situations where he is mocking my mother, you can feel how love is shared between them. It's both overwhelming and beautiful.

Someday, I want that.

"Oh, and what is it that you find so amusing, Hardin?" She scowls at him while he has that cheeky expression covering his face.

He holds his hands up in surrender saying, "nothing, Theresa" he smirks but continues to watch this all unravel.

She narrows her eyes at him turning back to me and I straighten up in caution.

"Emery, you know what I mean and you shouldn't be doing this. Everything your father and I have worked for it so that you and Auden are happy, safe, loved and healthy. Why can't you just..."

And here it comes, " more like your brother. He knows priorities and follows his responsibilities. You are older than him but you act so childish and immature that I don't even know what to do with you anymore"

There, she said it.

I don't know how many times I've heard this. It never gets old, only I do. And, apparently I don't act my age. Apparently, I don't know what maturity, priority and responsibility is.

I do. I do and she doesn't even see how hard I try. She's never here. She's always working, she only ever goes to important events for Auden and the other twenty percent is reserved for my father.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family. I just never know where I stand, these aren't even the harshest words she's said to me. But, it still hurts.

Maybe, I should be more like my brother.

He isn't a rebellious teenager.

He plays football instead of playing in a band, he is most likely going to be valedictorian whereas, I am president of detention.

The point is, I have bad flaws and the only way I can succeed is by changing.

I need be good.

After all, even though my last name is Scott, I am still half Young.

I know I can do it.


After by Anna Todd

diannaxjaxson © 2019

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