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As I wake up the next day I realise that life is so simple we just choose the harder way to live.

I had been thinking this and had come to the revelation after the "talk" my mother, so kindly, forced upon me.

Being troublesome and rebellious has gotten me into some deep shit ever since I was around thirteen. The first time that I had ever gotten in trouble was when I broke Atticus Beech's nose after he accused me of being a peeping tom in the boys bathroom in seventh grade. The next, was just four months following, I had severely disabled a boy's penis because he said my boobs are faker than his mother's. I had chosen to ignore the fact he basically admitted to looking at his mother's breasts.

Years passed and I had already been charged with harrassing a police officer, even though I was right. It was at the mall and I was walking, straight ahead there is a staircase and the officer stands right in the middle of it. Me being me, I cursed at him and told him to move.

In not a very polite way.

I was also taken to the station for being involved in several protests around the city and other things I'd rather keep quiet about.

My mother, Tessa, she never bailed me out. She gave of the energy of disappointment and despair. It was always my father, Hardin Scott, the bad boy author turned over protective father. He was always there. For me.

He's probably the only person in this entire world, aside from Auden, that can make me feel, make me believe that I am supposed to be here. That I am belonging.

"So why did I ever date that fucking loser?"

There she goes again. Creedence Vance. My unofficial aunt, who may or may not be four months younger than me.

With long blonde waves, bright grey eyes and button nose, who wouldn't want her?

Right now, she's ranting on about her April boy toy, Raigen Heartbow.

He's the golden boy next door. Everyone loves him and he loves, well, a select amount of people. Despite, everything that Creedence says, she is one of those who Raigen cares for. She's just in denial.

"I mean, come on! I do everything for him. I tell him all of my thoughts and feelings and it's like I'm talking to child. Am I too easy? I'm not right?" She pleads with her big doe eyes for me to disagree.

I was going to anyway.

"No I don't thin-" she cut Evander off.

"Because you know I would never, and I mean never, ever lay myself on his king size bed and say take me Raigen" she says holding her wrists together in mock pouting at Evander.

Evander Ross. The Romanian bad boy with forest green eyes, soft hair the colour of darkest raven. Oh, don't forget the cliche tattoos. On the side of his left wrist he has the words; live or die, you are my reason, he also has three lines wrapped around his forearm and biceps. The one in the middle of his back is an outline of the New York City skyline following three dots going down his spine. My favourite though is on right hip bone.

"even my everything remains young"

It's my name. E-M-E-R-Y.

As I look at him now, I can't help but fall a little.

When he smiles his dimples show and the crinkles by his eyes appear. He looks almost innocent and stress free.

I know that admiring him is all I can do. It's all I can do because he sees me as the sister he never got to have. I should probably start reciprocating the platonic emotions. Save myself the heartbreak.

But, I just can't help that everytime he caresses my hair and kisses my forehead, everytime he playfully teases me and wraps his arms around me from behind. Or when we walk together and he takes ahold of my hand. The warmth of his skin calms me and with his protective nature, I can see why he and my father get along so well.

Noticing my stare he turns and asks, "what? Do I have something on my face little bird?"

There goes that tug and his lips again.

I internally sigh dreamily.

Fucking shit, why does he unintentionally do this to me?

As I am about to answer with fake annoyance my attention is diverted elsewhere.

"Who is that?"

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