Chapter 15: Fond Farewells to Lothlórien

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Turning away from Legolas once more, I pulled open my tent flap and let the barrier fall between us again.

My tent was neat and tidy, bags packed and ready for travel.

Something about the scene made my heart hitch. It was almost as if I'd never been here. Nothing was left to mark my presence. It was once again just an impersonal guest tent.

It shouldn't have affected me. Being a Marine meant that I had lived a transient life before. Never staying in one place too long and never leaving anything of myself behind to mark my presence.

Hell, I'd lived that way as a kid after I'd run from my father.

Should have been related to the Gypsies instead of the Celts. I probably could have related to Romani people more than I did to the Celtic side of my family.

I opened one of my new packs—I'd long since given Aragorn's back to him when Andreth acquired my own for me—and grabbed some clean clothes. We'd probably be leaving soon, but I was determined to get one last bath in since I had no clue when the next one would be.

Later, as I reentered the tent, still trying to pull my hair away from my face, I came face to face with Andreth. She was crossly waiting, hands on her slender hips.

"Where have you been?" She gestured to the pack I'd opened before I could even form a reply. "I had just gotten that pack all situated," she complained. "And now you have pulled it apart."

I just laughed at her indignation. "Sorry, I needed to bathe and put on clean clothes."

She grabbed the dirty clothes I'd changed out of from my hands, muttering about how she couldn't get them clean in time.

I shrugged. "No big deal. They're not too bad. Just put them at the bottom of the pack and I'll clean them when I can or wear them as they are."

She grumbled more under her breath as she set about repacking the clothes. I had to admit, she'd have impressed any soldier with her efficient packing. It was amazing how much she was able to stuff into my pack.

As she worked, she began speaking, tilting her chin to throw her words over her shoulder, but not looking up from her task to meet my eyes.

"I have packed you two sets of traveling clothes and an assortment of others, including extra socks in case you wear holes in any. I have also taken the liberty of packing the necessary soaps and oils you shall require to stay clean—including the 'razor' you use as well. I fear there shall be something I am forgetting; mores the pity, I am afraid you have not enough room to pack the spare pair of boots I had made for you, so I pray the pair you wear shall suffice."

I could tell she would have gone on, so I spoke up. "It's fine, Andreth. You've done more than enough for me. I'll be better packed than I was when I entered this city, and I've gone without creature comforts like spare clothing and boots before. I'll be fine," I repeated.

She glanced up as I moved around in front of her. "What if it shall not be sufficient? What if I forget something you desperately shall need?"

Hearing the desperation in her voice and seeing the tears that glistened in her eyes, I knelt next to her by the cot. "Hey now," I told her, my hands gently grasping her shoulders and turning her. "None of that. I'll be fine. I glanced through the pack earlier, and there's nothing more I need. Everything you've packed along with my weapons are all I need. I'll be fine. This isn't exactly my first rodeo."

"Rode-ee-oo," she repeated, drawing the word out in confusion.

I laughed and pulled her into a hug. "God I'll miss you, my friend."

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