Chapter 18

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I wake up in the morning and have this sucky feeling in my mouth and I run straight to the bathroom, next thing I know I'm being sick into the toilet, I'm not sure why I've never done this before, I hear german calling me and I quickly flush the chain and wash my hands and poke my head out of the bathroom door to see what he wants.

Are you feeling okay? He says your looking pale. I nod I'm feeling totally fine But I'm going to have a shower now so see you in a minute I say closing the door and putting the shower on.

A few minutes late I come out and get dressed and me and german head down stairs, we both sit down and german takes my hand from over the table and I smile.

Olga brought out some food and soon as I smelt toast I felt like I was going to be sick, I'll e right back I say to german and walk really fast upstairs and into the toilet, I threw up in the toilet and about quickly washed again and put some perfume on and went back downstairs.

I'm not going to have break fast in not that hungry, german raises eyebrows as if he wants to know what's going on but I smile casually and sit down on the settee.

German are you ready we are going to be late for the meeting, Romallo shouts from Germans office.

German gets up and kisses me, I won't be long he says and leaves with Romallo, i decide to lay down for five and rest, all of a sudden I got a crave for ginger biscuits and go into the kitchen and see if olga got any.

Olga hands me some buscuits and looks at me confused but I just smile and walk back to the deter to eat them.

A few minutes later the biscuits was finished and I just rested mostly all day.

A complicated dream 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin