02, the first weekend

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the first weekend after months, where the routine is not normal anymore. normally on weekends, i would stay at his place and we would spend time together. at home games, i would go into the stadium and watch him. at away games, i would watch the games at his place and wait for him to come home. we would cuddle on his couch, let someone deliver food, play on the playstation or chill in his bed. now, i stood at the side of the field, watching my little brother. the bags under my eyes are prominent and dark, because i haven't really slept in the last 5 nights. my mother asked me if i could go and watch my brothers game, and the good sister i am, i said yes. he was really excited, and he also made sure that i was okay. he is really sweet and caring, which my mother taught him. he knew what happened and asks me every couple hours how i am. the last few days i cried my eyes out, so now they feel like they aren't even wet. the wind blew through my hair and tickled my skin as i took a deep breath. every couple minutes i told myself that everything was going to be okay. i searched for my brother on the field and found him, wearing the number 7.

he ran around with the ball and dribbled past the little 7 to 8 year olds. today, he spends a training session with the little kids to make them happy and also to give them an unique experience. they all laughed and i smiled, seeing how good he could handle the kids. he fell playfully onto the ground and all the kids threw themselves onto my boyfriend. it still sounds so surreal. 'my boyfriend'. i don't know how i got so lucky to call him my boyfriend. as an ending, he sat with the little boys in a circle and they got to ask him everything they wanted. he took pictures with the kids and signed their jerseys. every kid left the pitch with a big smile on their face and ran happily to their parents. he talked with the trainer and they shook hands, before he made his way to the bench i was sitting on. shortly before he reached me, i stood up and he closed his arms around me. "they literally destroyed you in the game" i said and heard his beautiful laugh. "at least 5 of them would've had to get a red card today" he laughed and i chuckled. "i think you were the worst player on the pitch today, sorry" i said and he looked at me while he raised one eyebrow "you really do?" he asked and grabbed my hand as we made our way to his car. "yeah. i really do" i said and looked at his side profile. "well i guess i have to prove you wrong when we're at my apartment" he said and put his arm around my shoulder.

the game ended and all the boys ran off the pitch. my brother walked with his best friend and when he saw me he said goodbye and ran to me. "lil! did you see my goal! i made one!" he exclaimed and hugged me. i smiled and hugged him back. "yeah i saw it. you played really good" i said and stroked his head. we made our way to the exit of the court and he held my hand. "when i'm older, i want to play for the first team of borussia dortmund!" he said and i smiled. "when you train hard and get even better than now, then maybe you can do it." i responded and unlocked the car. he plays for a youth team of borussia dortmund right now and the trainers and workers are all really friendly and they can work really well with the kids. "on tuesday marco reus will be at our training! can you come with me and watch it, pleaaaase?" he asked and i couldn't say no to the little puppy eyes he made.

the hurt ⇀ jadon sanchoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن