08, the first date

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the first date was after a couple months and i was nervous. the convincing talk of scarlett brought me here and i kind of regret that i've agreed to it. he was a couple months older than me and i couldn't help it, but i compared the boy to him at first. i stood in front of the restaurant and waited for him.

i arrived at the restaurant and he already stood there.

he arrived and we went in, he after me.

i hugged him as a greeting and he held the door open for me.

when the server brought us to our table, we both just sat down and thanked him.

the server brought us to the table and he moved my chair back so i could sit down on it, before he moved it towards the table again and sat down himself.

he looked at me and asked the server to bring the menu cards, he didn't sound very kind.

he handed me a red rose and said he got it for me. it was really cute and i swear i saw him blush a bit as he said it, but that wasn't bad, because i blushed too.

we ordered our food and he didn't talk very much. most of the time i asked questions and he answered them shortly, so i couldn't say anything to it. i was a bit uncomfortable.

we really got along and had fun talking to each other. i laughed at the things he said and it was easy to find a new topic to talk about. i was very comfortable around him and i could be myself.

he never asked any questions and seemed a bit uninterested, almost like someone forced him to go on this date.

he was very open and seemed interested. like, someone is interested in me? i would have never thought that.

"you're pretty"

"you are really beautiful"

as we finished our food, he insisted to pay for my food too and we left the restaurant. he hugged me for a couple seconds and then he left.

we finished our food slowly because we talked and laughed so much, but i don't think it's bad. he paid for the food, as i put my money on the table he just put it back in my hand and paid everything himself. as we went out of the restaurant, we still went for a walk and walked through the park one street away. we sat on a bench and he held my hand, sending the warmth through my body.

and now here i am. disappointed. alone. sad. and cold.

the hurt ⇀ jadon sanchoWhere stories live. Discover now