Chapter Thirteen

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And that's the end.




"Wade!" I screech, shooting upwards, but I'm nearly blinded by a bright light.

"Whoa there, Peter, it's okay you're safe now, sit down and relax." A gentle male voice tells me.

Somewhere in the background, I hear, "He's awake!" And a girl running out of the room. I look back and forth desperately, and a hand touches my arm. I pull back instantly and raise my right arm in defense, and the action makes me fall off the bed.

The bed?

What happened? Why did I yell 'Wade' when I got up?

"Hey hey careful, you're still very weak." The guy tells me. He walks around the bed and lifts me on my feet. I back up onto the bed and thank him.

He's a doctor. I'm at a hospital. 

"What happened?" I ask. The doc just shakes his head and dodges the question, asking me if I need anything to eat. I nod my head and he tells a nurse in the doorway to get me some pancakes and eggs. 

He comes back over to me and gives me a smile.

"Peter I know this is very confusing right now, but I'm sure your memory will come back soon. You had a minor concussion, and... well, a wound in the abdomen." He tells me. 

I pull my shirt up and see a bandage covering my stomach. 

What... happened?

"Peter," The doc begins, "You're gonna be okay." he says. But I'm confused, I don't even know what happened. I suppose I should be happy but I don't know what to feel. 

"Um... thanks?" I say, running my hands through my hair. My eyes widen, "Where's Aunt May?"

The doc sighs. "Peter... I didn't want to have to be the one to tell you this..." He begins. I start tearing up.

"No... no! Tell me she's okay!" I sob. He looks at me with a sorry face and shakes his head.

"Aunt May is... gone?" I say, but I already know the answer. The doc just looks down. 

I burst into tears. 

"I don't even remember the last thing I said to her..." I weep, pulling my hair with my hands.

"Hey, chill out Peter. I'm sorry. Please don't do that to yourself," The doc says, and gently pulls my hands off my head. I don't fight back. 

"How did it happen?" I ask.

"Car crash. A drunk driver hit her." He said quietly. I looked down.

Suddenly someone walks into the room.

"Peter?" A familiar voice says. 

"Matt?" I ask, "What happened?" He either doesn't know, or is good at pretending he doesn't, because he just shakes his head and tells me he doesn't know. I look at the doc, but he gets up and leaves the room. 

Matt walks over to me and sits down, his sunglasses reflecting my sad, sorrowful self. I wipe the tears from my cheeks and clear my throat. 

"I'm sorry Pete." He says before I can say anything. Then come the tears again. I can't hold it back anymore. 

"I'm... I'm just so c-confused you know? L-like I just w-woke up and I don't know w-where the hell I am or w-what h-happened and then I find out-"

"Come here Pete." 

I waste no time. Before I know it I'm bawling into Matt's arms.

12:38 P.M

"So when can I get out of here?" I ask the doc. Matt was gone but he brought me flowers, which was generous of him. 

"I think you're good to get out of here later today actually. Do you have a place to stay?" He asks. I shake my head. I had no more family left...

"Oh, we can figure something out surely." The doc says before I start crying again at the thought of Aunt May. I nod and force a smile. 

"Hey um... how long have I been...unconscious?" I ask. He bites his lip and scratches the back of his short blonde hair.

"Uhh... three months." He says nervously.

"Three months!?! Are you kidding?!" I stammer.

"Yeah, sorry we didn't tell you before. We didn't know how to approach the subject. I'm Doctor Kelly by the way." He says, and I shake his hand. He runs and hand through his hair and gives me a reassuring smile. 

"N-nice to meet you?" I say. He laughs. 

"Yeah... nice to meet you too Peter." He says. I give a slight smile. 

"So we just need to do a couple more scans and tests and such, but if you can find a place to stay we can get you out in no time!" Kelly says, grabbing his clipboard, "Just let me know when you find a place okay?" He asks. I nod, and he leaves the room, closing the door behind him. 

I let out a long sigh. 

3:17 P.M

"Did you find a place yet Peter?" Doctor Kelly asks me. I nod and tell him about the new apartment I applied for. 

"Oh nice, those are good apartments."

"Yeah, I'm gonna be moving in in the next 4 days!" I say, "Do I still have my stuff?" I ask. 

"Yeah, it's in those boxes on the side over there." Kelly says, pointing to the floor by the window. I nod nervously. 

"Okay." I say.

"Yup! By the way, nice Spiderman suit! Where'd you get it?" He asks. I feel my face flush but I clear my throat,

"Thank you... I got it from, uh, from a friend for my birthday. I like c-cosplay you know?" I said.

He bought it.

"Oh that's cool!" He says. I just awkwardly smile.

"Okay well I'll leave you be now... congrats on the new apartment." He says.

"Thank you, see you later." I reply, giving him a wave as he leaves the room.

I let out a breath.

"That was close." 

11:41 P.M

I give up. I just can't sleep! All of this tossing and turning isn't helping. 

I sit up and reach to the table next to me, grabbing my phone. I haven't been on social media in, well, 3 months apparently, so I want to see what's been going on. I scroll through my messages and find a couple from MJ. They read:

'Peter! Are you okay? You haven't been into class for a couple days.'

Sent June 21st. June 21st was my last day of school. I missed graduation? I can't even remember any talk about graduation. I mean it was only college graduation but they still have some kind of end of the year thing. The last thing I remember was the night I went on that boat with Deadpool and he killed the captain. 

I shake my head at the thought and continue reading,


'Why are you ignoring me?'


And that was all she sent. I wonder if she came to visit me... I wonder if Aunt May came to visit me. I decided to let the doctors tell MJ I was awake, and I closed out of her contact. I continued down the list.

I avoided Aunt May's, reading off the other ones. Matt, Deadpool, MJ, Ned, Harry, Gwen, Wade.


"Who's Wade?"

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