Harry is sensitive when sick(Lirry)

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Hi! I'm back! I missed writing these so I just decided to write one. I've had this idea for a while and finally decided to write it! Hope you enjoy!—A/N

Liam POV

I was finally finished with my errands and went back to the hotel that me and the boys were staying at. I walked into the room that me and Harry shared only to find that same boy laying on the couch, tightly gripping his stomach. "Harry?" I asked softly. The only response I got was a soft moan. "Harry, are you ok?" I asked again. I saw his long hair bounce as if he was shaking his head 'no'.

"Awe, What hurts, Hazza?" I asked him while sitting down next to him. He turned around to face me; he had dried tear tracks down his face, he was pale apart from his red cheeks, he was still crying. It was heartbreaking to see him like this. "What hurts?" I asked him again. "My head and my stomach." He sniffled. He let out a broken sob and buried his head into my chest before breaking down. "I-I've felt l-like this s-since th-this morning but—" he was cut off by his own sobbing "—but when you left I tried to call y-you but yo-u didn't p-pick up" he finished off the sentence with another sob before cuddling up closer to me. "Oh, Love. I'm so sorry, Harry. But I'm here now." I said softly, wrapping my arms around the younger boy. Harry cried until he gagged, he hunched over and dry heaved and then continued crying. He cried and cried and cried with no signs of stopping. He sobbed harder when he got so worked up that he threw up over both of us. "I'm so sor-ry!" He cried. "It's alright, love."

After he calmed down, I went to grab him and myself a new T-shirt. By the time I got back he was crying, not an ugly cry, but tears were falling. I sat down beside him and eased his soiled shirt off. After the new, free from sick, T-shirt was on, I went to the little kitchen in the hotel room and got Harry a glass of water. He took small sips and placed it down on the coffee table in front of us. "Harry? Can you tell me what else hurts?" I asked softly. I knew I had to be gentle with Harry when he was sick, he gets very sensitive. "My stomach hurts a lot." He sniffled. "I've had a headache for a few hours. My throats kinda sore as well." He explained. He sniffled and then cuddled up against me. I placed my hand on his curls and then ran my  fingers through his long dark hair. Soon enough we both fell asleep.

Harry felt a little better in the morning but still had to take it easy.


Sorry this ones kinda short. Just really wanted to update. Speaking of updates: I'm starting them again! They won't be as frequent but I'll try to update whenever I can. Loves of love—A/N❤️

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