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"He should tell me what?"

Junhui felt his stomach drop as he heard a voice; one of which he knew belonged to none other than Xu Minghao. A voice he loved more than any other, except for this moment

He watched as Soonyoung turned around, causing Junhui to follow in his actions. Both boys looked up at their fellow member standing in front of them, eyes wide with curiosity

"Oh Minghao! Perfect timing!"

The eldest sighed, he surly did not agree with the boys choice of words. This was not a good time to be meeting up with the one person whom he was trying to avoid. Minghao on the other hand only became more perplexed by what the elder had said

"What do you mean?"

Junhui prayed for Soonyoung to shut up, for the floor to swallow him up, for something, anything to allow him to get out of this situation. Sadly for the boy, the universe did not do as he wished, Soonyoung continuing the conversation of which he so desperately wanted to end

"Junhui and I were talking about what we discussed earlier."

The elder watched as a look of recognition washed over Minghao's face, nodding at the two boys


Junhui listened to the younger male, trying to break down all of what he had expressed. Sure, he had only made a mere sound, but it was worth more than a million words. He sounded hurt, deeply hurt by the whole situation

The eldest knew it was none other than himself who was causing Minghao to feel this way, and that hurt him. This one sound was like a punch to the gut, causing a pain so intense it sent Junhui's mind into a spiral

"I think you and Junhui should talk, alone."

His eyes widened as his thoughts ran wild; No, oh god please no! The elder couldn't stand to talk to the younger boy, for it seemed every word that left his mouth was a lie. Sure, he was good at lying after all the years of practice he had due to his father. Alas, Minghao was the one person whom he couldn't lie to

It was something about those pure, big doe eyes of his. They seemed to stare into his soul, as if he could see through every falsehood uttered by the taller boy. It also hurt him to lie to the other

It hurt to lie to anyone, he hated it, but lying to Minghao caused the elder a type of unexplainable pain. The type of pain that numbs you to the core, making all of your other senses fade away, temporarily becoming inhibited

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